Apostle Paul even wrote that the Torah is spirit. (paraphrased). It is impossible to translate from one language to another language 100% identically? Cant get much more Hebrew Roots than that. Are you saying Moses did not believe the Gospel that he preached in the wilderness? My former priest showed me. Any Catholic in my age group will probably tell you how controlling the man of the house was. So, Leah, how long have you been secretly working for the Roman Catholic Church. Yes, Amen, Jesus Christ IS our New Covenant Torah who took me out of living on the streets and shelters for 8 months; ( I was kicked out of the shelter) and now own property and live in the same town as Mitt Romney. The teachings are disseminated by the 119 Ministries website, youtube, vimeo, and podomatic through internet streaming. What would the Churches in your area need to correct? Self- righteousness only affects the zealous and sincere . Furthermore, I think the churches in this area would be unaware and unprepared in answering the errors. I went to church and bible study frequently as a child and a young adult. For example, before my family and I started to observe the sabbath there were some who said if we did not observe sabbath we were going to hell (with no scriptural support). He is prefacing the people with an important message I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets so lets consider the following option of Pleroo but to properly teach you or let me put it this way (me speaking) to fill up the holes in your understanding i.e. Our earthly Messiah only spoke the words given Him by His heavenly Father. He used those words to test the quality and strength of this womans faith. You never know whats gonna happen! I cant believe anyone could truly have the nerve to say God made a mistake or that ANYTHING He gives His people is a burden. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Romans 10:5-9 makes it CLEAR Jesus IS THE TORAH in the flesh. Wrong again. I am a Messianic Jew. 2) Refer to 119 Ministries teaching entitled Dont Be Under the Law! I trust we all agree that the Hebrew word torah is not exclusively defined as the unchanging written law of Moses previously passed orally from generation to generation. When the Ruach came upon me. And before you say that the Torah or the Prophets have no value in your life read this: Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul to the non-Jewish converts of his day and modern-day Christians) even told Timothy in his second letter (2 Tim 3:16-17) All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living; thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work. Please note that at the time Rav Shaul wrote this statement, the Tanakh (Old Testament) were the only written Scriptures available, either in Hebrew or Koine Greek. True or False? I could go on and on, but their is no need for me to do that, you have access to scripture.. PS: Yahusha is NOT Yahuah in the flesh. I became a Christian about 35 years ago. Thank You Jesus. The heavy loads on the peoples shoulders represented much of what you will find in the Talmud writings that were, at the time, in oral form. I will be their God, and they will be my people. Sometime is off here Jesus was a servant heart as our example, he washed the feet of his disciples Yeshua is the church. 5 Everything they do is done to be seen by others; for they make their tfillin (phylacteries) broad and their tzitziyot (fringes) long, 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, 7 and they love being greeted deferentially in the marketplaces and being called Rabbi.. They have frequently made it clear that salvation is a free gift offered through YHWHs grace and that following the Torah, the Law, is the natural response of a believer who has been saved by grace. 31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God! Should we ditch the instructions of God because we are in Covenant with him through Jesus? This cannot be since my claim is all must come to the father through faith in his son Yeshua. .What is G-Ds calender? They talk about sin, but dont know what it is. No, They are morbid NO Love abounding. So you found one dude you follow and who recommended to me. After all, Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8), and YHVH knows my heart! We are told to FOLLOW HIM! These are consecration issues, matters of the heart. a new Law ?, a new law that somehow appears to be just like the old law with a few things changed? To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. Faith with out works is dead. In the early phase of his careeruntil around 1536he expressed concern for their plight in Europe and was enthusiastic at the prospect of converting them to Christianity through his religious reforms. So when we know that the original language of the old testament is Hebrew. I thank thee Lord that I am not like the deceived Christians that do not follow your law . Walking in the Spirit means following the Torah. If the Hebrew Roots Movement has a human origin, then it will collapse. Grace & Peace to you! How do you know if you may be caught up in error ? To whom or what are we grafted in to? If of course you follow (understood) Pauline doctrine. You along with others seem to make this a salvific argument time and time again. *note the word perpetual is owlam in the Hebrew. But this New Covenant will be different because this one will be written on their hearts and mind. If this is not a move of YHWH it will die out and come to naught but if it is of YHWH you will find yourself fighting against the one who you claim to worship. I too have discerned this anger it is written all over Jim Staleys face, Hi there, hope you are well.we thank God for your blog so that we can all embark on it and share ideas Are you suggesting that your disbelief in 119 ministries is based on the fact that Grace offers believers not to keep the commandments of God. May it never be! mercy endures for ever ref. Also by Jesus saying He came for the lost sheep, hes fulfilling the messianic prophecy you spoke of from Jeremiah. Ive read many of the comments above, and no one seems to have the courage to call you out on the carpet for fear of legal reprisals. They claim if the Protestants were truly following their own Bibles theyd keep the seventh day Sabbath. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. The Good News in the Wilderness that Moses preached but not believed ? 11:3) God => Messiah => man => woman. Slowly & as I have time. For my opinion about Daniel Unsealed, what I pointed out about Mark Biltz's theory applies to their theory as well. You think being a keyboard warrior and turning O2 into CO2 makes you a man come to the farm for a couple weeks. We believe our Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) taught the Torah and obeyed it perfectly. Unfortunately, upon leaving the premises of the local synagogue, they refused to act on what they had just preached. He mentions this: The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. (vs 10). 17 But you, dear friends, since you know this in advance, guard yourselves; so that you will not be led away by the errors of the wicked and fall from your own secure position. Whats important is their message, which is simply test everything to the word of God. I know this is highly condensed but I think sufficient and concise. Christians need to read the Old Testament (how many I wonder actually know that the Bible was split in two testaments by the Catholic Church? Over the years I have spent huge amounts of time talking with the Lord and studying the scriptures! We have the Law and the Prophets that tell us what is expected. You assume I havent read the Bible when you call on me to read it myself and seeI have read it. Shalom in the love of JESUS {YEHOSHUA}! THEN, they will all think what good little girls and boys we are because we love the Jews who were so badly treated. I finally decided, to stop looking outside of Scripture for answers & just ask God what He means. Follow the words of God. If you believe you have liberty of these things then so be it, dont obey. Arguing with you is like arguing with a Scientologist or any other cult member whose foundation is something other than the Bible. I explain well in these two videos my response to both you and McKee.. He said he was being slandered behind his back by some people in order to separate disciples. While we dont celebrate Christmas and Easter, neither do we condemn Christians who do In fact, at Christmas, we sang a few Christmas songs. As you say, to those who walk in freedom from sin, sin is undesirable. Are we there yet? I believe Christ is risen from the dead and on the right hand of the Father so again no need to keep learning that year after year . Jesus made example of this when reciting the beatitudes. Like my analogy of a criminal given a clean slate. 2 He was with God in the beginning. A Jew? GRACE has existed since the Garden of Eden and is taught in Judaism. Christians overlook the scriptures and do not actually read what it is written. Deut 13:1-2 says if a prophet or dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, saying Let us go after other gods (whom you have not known) and let us serve them. There are several Rabbis that were Rabbinical trained in the same house as Paul (House of Hillel) that have come to the same conclusions recorded in the Talmud. They teach people how to be seen as great in the kingdom of heaven. 39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them; you might even find yourselves fighting God!. He is UNCHANGING HIS WORD IS FOREVER NEVER CHANGING! Brandon stressed that the sin of blasphemy carried (in our day) the seriousness of the death penalty. You may have seen some of my comments on some articles, which some completely throw some of the rebuttals out of the water because of Scriptures clarity. ( its very nice!!!) It is described as the one and only Torah which is unchanging and applicable to believers today. So Who are you defending? Does that change the truth about the gospel and the Church? Its the details that 119 continues to twist. To do what he taught that he said were the ways of his Father. I believe salvation is by GRACE and FAITH alone! 1. to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim what is the date for the last 7 sabbath year? As far as calling me out as saying its wrong to keep the feastsI dont even think that. Next the teaching warps scripture. This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? God wants us to desire(WANT) to keep his commandments and laws because this is his will. 2 God has not repudiated his people,[b] whom he chose in advance. And if we make it anything other than about him and his righteousness, we are not found in him. How, then, did Jacob escape death for marrying two women, sisters at that, AND their concubines? This is by means a deception, nor harsh. To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above. Mens hearts are wicked, Yahweh would never put it on us to figure out what is right and wrong. Especially with todays rap-related slang. All of these answers are NO. Thus Jesus admonition ..He that seeks to save his life , will lose his life . So you have a portion of the original bride being divorced by God according to Jeremiah 3. You should take a walk with me sometime. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers (scribes) and Prushim (Pharisees), you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! 33 THIS IS THE COVENANT I WILL MAKE WITH THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL after that time, declares the Lord. The biggest snare to the body of Jesus Christ is that we have been influenced by the world.and maybe no more so than in America .putting our money out to interest divorcing and remarrying and over all demonstrating an amazing lack of love and faith by our actions . WHAT???? Well, we have this the gate is narrow, not wide! The transcripts have somewhat of a disclaimer above the title which state the the video teachings are to complement the written teaching. I did call, and the money wasnt there! It will blown your mind and reveal just how far off course the church has been since the Civil War. To say that Yeshua temporarily changed his allegiance from submitting to the father to submitting to the church is also to say that he changed who he worshipped. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. This is the latter! My point was that the New Covenant was not specifically for them > that they had to become part of Israel to BE a part of the New Covenant / Bride of Christ. Cults have ways that they recruit people into their philosophy/ideology, making them members of such groups. They are the ones Im giving your now., Leah this commandment isnt new. 9 is very clear that Paul himself said to a Jew I become a Jew; to those under the Torah I become as if under Torah, though I myself am not under Torah. Simply put, they are daring us believers to return to the original Way and examine for themselves Yahwehs true instructions for us to simply love and obey Him while also loving others. Amen. All 119 is trying to do is truly, unbiasedly challenge believers in Yeshua to test and prove with OT and NT agreement what they believe. Everything in the bible is true. Starting with condemning Christmas and Easter (yes, I know there are very many practices around these events that are of questionable origin that doesnt mean it means the same thing today with current believers God looks at the heart, last time I checked) because they arent Feasts of the Lord, meanwhile practicing Hanukkah and Purim, which are not Feasts of the Lord either. But he didnt say that, he said a NEW commandment I give you. That also ties in with james ..faith with out works is dead . When you actually dig into nuances of the Greek term, you discover that it does not always imply submission (obedience) to an authority, and in the context of Pauls letter actually has the sense of voluntary servanthood. That means, unarguably, that the moon determines the weekly sabbath, not a manmade Roman calendar invented AFTER the life, death and resurrection of Yahushua. 119 Ministries teaches that we are under grace and under the law of God. There are also verb-tense errors in some of the English Bible translations. 12 But to as many as did receive him, to those who put their trust in his person and power, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 not because of bloodline, physical impulse or human intention, but because of God. Jan 9 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Here we see Jesus call out the Gentiles by name. one man esteems a day higher than another day and another man does not. I have studied the book of Hebrews from the Greek and the Aramaic with supporting concordances, etc. Here it says he brings both groups together into one NEW man. This cup which is poured out for you IS the new covenant IN MY BLOOD. ( Luke 22:20) Hebrews and 2 Cor. Jeremiah 31:31-33 (NIV) {emphasis added with capital letters]. After reading literally every single comment on this blog, I must say it has been very informative and each side of the debate is very spirited. So, what is wrong with seeking the unpolluted Scriptures to return to Yahwehs original magnificent Word and testing if Pork and Sabbath/Feasts still apply? Thanks for the suggestion. (Sorry, Im sure you know this profoundly.) This is what happened at Sinai. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. It breaks my heart to find so many deceived. I have found things with 119 that I do find in scripture but I have found this with most ministries. I did know the origins of the proto phonecian and the lineage of Hebrew cousin Aramaic/Arabic. salvation is the grace part of the gospel, obedience to his word is the relation part of the gospel. When I left protestantism to join The Church, I found that my protestant friends could not understand where I was coming from. Peter decided that the church would not impose the Jewish law upon gentile believers, but that the church would treat the sacrament of Baptism as initiation into the faith with no further requirements. Jesus shows the common understanding which is in fact true, but this understanding alone lacks the full intention of the Torah. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly wont spare you! Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). I guess we just differ in our opinions about 119 Ministries attitude. You want to except this new way of living in Gods ways disregarding what is written. and we saw his Shkhinah, Right after ditching man-made sacred traditions, we started doing our own focused testing of Scripture and lo and behold, it always speaks truth to itself. As I have read this article, and some of the replies, I have come to this conclusion. -Romans 10:3-13. I havent watched any of their videos in a while. I use the KJV along with any other bibles I can come across. 18:18 is a FAR cry from how Gideon, David, Joash, and Jehoida the High Priest understood it. It has the Greek and Hebrew word references with each explanation of scriptural topics.. He is a jew who is one inwardly , Whos praise is of God and not of man ..whos circumcision is of the heart and not of the flesh . Bless you, Human beings love religion but they loathe relationship. This is why it is better promises. Or do you believe this is an acceptable interpretation of the Word of God? It paints a clear picture of what Christ did. No I dont, but I do not think that constitutes false teachers. It is only natural to get a clear understanding of things to resort back to its original text. -Jude 1:3. Yahushua prayed in the garden Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. that sums it up for me, who Yahushua was submitting to. Do they teach Jesus is not the Messiah?, do they teach that Salvation is not through Jesus the Messiah? -Matthew 5:20, So, no, they will not unless they are surpassing the righteousness of the most law abiding of them all: The Pharisees; not only that, but Jesus then said they had to go beyond what was written in the Mosaic lawlove your enemy, anger toward your brother=murder, a look with lust=adultery, etc. Bless you bro! Are political parties CULTS in your view? Jesus or Paul? He clearly sated He did not come to abolish the law (torah). I have 2 children. If a Muslims or a Hindus life improves, should we all praise Allah or Krishna? That is the reason God flooded the world because of wickedness so He had to have given His law prior to mount Sinai. Since this is the case then perhaps this changes how we understand other scriptures and we should test the doctrines we were taught after all scripture does say to test everything. It was the Fathers will to bruise Him. It is laying out a proper way to interact and not create senseless arguments since it is teaching, discipleship, love and the Holy Spirit that will guide so long as a person wants to continue growing in her relationship with the Father. A couple of days later, the devotional read, "The doorway to freedom is submission". I strongly recommend you rethink your positions. They contain some things that are hard to understand, things which the uninstructed and unstable distort, to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. Horrible analogy. By saying he changed his mind is saying he is a liar! It seems emotional and contemptuous? The common attack on this ministry is they are teaching the LAW and this is a means of salvation which is entirely incorrect assumption. I am not concerned with Saturday verses Sunday Worship as Christians go I am of the opinion this is a moot argument. I havent been on my computer yet all day so Im not sure if it is different. It has to be, otherwise we have all been deceived and Psalm 119 was not inspired by the Holy Spirit. Well, Rav Kefa (Peter) and Rav Yochanan (John) didnt seem to care about those things in the Book of Acts when they got arrested for preaching in Yeshuas name. But I am. This is perhaps one of the more brilliant deceptions written by 119 Ministries. However, let me preface my observations with the following comments. (LogOut/ There faith is all in their minds; no room for the Spirit to teach them. I have still yet to see anyone prove 119 has false teachings.do I agree with everything presented? Certainly you are not following all the Mosaic Law (613) because the temple no longer exists nor do the Levite priests. Will return tomorrow or the next day. and if a few things changed no real substantial guideline as to the foundation of these changes. I look forward to hearing from you as we all can learn and be edified by each other in the right spirit. Sadly, this is the very thing that is hard to comprehend by those whove not yet experienced just HOW much deeper, fuller and more accurately they might understand the NT WHEN they finally grasp the OT properly. You can laugh, make snide remarks, dismiss with stupid little slams, but it is evident your millennial, woke, pandering self has sold the farm for a few fawning voices that will OWN you. If you could provide some of your few largest disconnects, Id love to hear them. That person is just ignorant and/or deceived in their biblical understandings? I appreciate your response and I accept your encouragement in diligently studying the word. Once you get past the double negatives and indirect language, the concluding statement contradicts itself, contradicts statements earlier in the text, and contradicts the title. Im also angry with those who continue to perpetuate the Identity Theft that has been perpetrated against Yeshua the Messiah, transforming him into something that he is not and never will be, a Palestinian Freedom Fighter and a political revolutionary who wantonly violates the Torah and the rest of the Scriptures that he himself gave to my people, rightfully presenting himself as the Word of the one true and living God. I was never expecting a reply. The prodigal son! Why does Gods word say Ruach Elohim rather than simply Elohim? You seemingly dismiss the Hebrew word ruach (Strongs Hebrew #7307) as only meaning breath. Yes, it is translated breath about 27 times in the word of God. california driving laws for minors; princeton park chicago crime rate This does not mean one is to go out and willfully sin because they have grace! And obey His voice. LIes Lies Lies .. ITS Not a CULT people want to live love and be more like Yeshua whats wrong with that. And, a conspiracy theory of feminized Christian scholars is a real thing! I will repay, Every question I have ever had about the bible or meaning of a verse, 119 has been able to answer in a way that makes sense. Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? And neither are we left to figure out right and wrong by ourselves. But Ive also known some real great RCs who walk their talk and are honorable folks. And for those who think nobody can keep Gods instructions perfectly nowhere does it say we are required to for salvation. The group's name is a reference to Psalm 119, which speaks in depth about following God's Law. Huge difference. In fact, our atheist friends were once Christians but rejected the church because they have nothing different to offer. Thank you Erik for stopping by & taking the time to comment. Father YAH laws are perfect and I try to obey them out of love but NOT out of demand. Regrettably, so many Gentile Christians have been brainwashed by the Vatican establishment and their efforts to infiltrate the Body of the Messiah, that they buy so easily into man-made doctrines that are actually unbiblical. Since my claim is all in their biblical understandings money wasnt there mount Sinai are to complement the written.... Upon leaving the premises of the opinion this is his will in you, that my protestant friends not! And concise, he washed the feet of his Father of Scripture for answers & just ask what... Who recommended to me go I am of the opinion this is highly condensed but I come! Sin, but dont know what it is different it myself and seeI have read it is in,... 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