After his escape from capture at Hogwarts, Pettigrew had no choice but to rejoin his master, or Sirius and Remus would surely kill him. Relationship information Griphook | He began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1971 and was sorted into Gryffindor house. This was proven to be a fatal mistake that Sirius would regret for the rest of his life. However, despite being cowardly, he was not stupid, being cunning enough to escape his former friend Sirius after Voldemort's first defeat, framing him for his crimes and simulate his own death while killing twelve people with a curse, living for years in his Animagus form. He, James, and Sirius soon discoveredRemus Lupinto be awerewolf, but they did not abandon him as many other wizards would have. Hi. Though he gave valuable information, such as the whereabouts of Lily and James Potter, Voldemort still treated him with disdain for his extreme cowardice. Wormtail (by the Marauders, Death Eaters, and Lord Voldemort)Scabbers (by the Weasley family and others) However, Hermione's cat immediately recognized the rat for who he was and constantly attempted to catch him. Blue He was the grandson of Wilfrid Pettigrew, a Knight Bus driver, and Keziah Pettigrew (ne Goshawk). Mr Pettegrew was positioned in the middle as the city's favorite son, signing posters and speaking with patrons. UnknownChestnut, 9", dragon heartstringYew, 13", phoenix feather Cedric Diggory | In the Bible, Peter is the name of one of Christ's apostles who, on the morning of the crucifixion, denied Christ, although he later repented. Pettigrew defected from theOrder of the Phoenixand betrayed his closest friends to Lord Voldemort when his life was threatened, showing selfishness and disloyalty at the core of his being. OnHallowe'ennight1981, Pettigrew betrayed his friends, and Voldemort murdered James and Lily, but was unable to do the same to their son when hisKilling Curserebounded, destroying his physical form. Sirius was arrested for being a Death Eater, killing Pettigrew and the Muggles, and betraying the Potters, and was imprisoned inAzkabanwithout a trial. While Crouch became Moody's double and set off in his place to Hogwarts, Pettigrew was assigned to watch over the imperiused Barty Crouch Sr. Pettigrew neglected his duty, with the result that Crouch escaped and nearly sabotaged the plan. After aprophecywas made regardingHarry Potterand theDark Lord in October,JamesandLily Pottertook their son and went into hiding. Pettigrew attempted to strangle Harry, but momentarily slackened his grip when Harry reminded him of his life debt, and was killed for it by the silver hand made for him by Voldemort. He was madeSecret-Keeperfor thePotterswhen they went into hiding with the use of theFidelius Charm, and betrayed James, his wifeLily, and their sonHarrytoLord Voldemort. Erkstag Warden | Peter Pettigrew otherwise known as Wormtail (1960-1998) was a slow person born to Mr and Mrs Pettigrew. Despite Ron's frequent complaints of Scabbers having been a rather boring, useless pet, he felt a strong sense of ownership and was at times very fond of him - especially when Scabbers bit Gregory Goyle's knuckle. Evil-doer The plan was upset, though, when the full moon rose, and, as Lupin had forgotten to take his Wolfsbane Potion after discovering Pettigrew's name on the Marauder's Map, he transformed into an uncontrollable werewolf. Avery II, Death Eater defectors He began to suspect the truth when he saw Peter's name appear on the Marauder's Map, a charmed parchment created by him and his friends that came into Harry's possession. Though he was disgusted by Pettigrew's disloyalty and cowardice when he learned the truth, he could not stand to see his father's two best friends become murderers, and requested that they leave Pettigrew to face the Dementors instead. Male During his years at Hogwarts, he became one of theMarauders; he was best friends withSirius Black,James Potter, andRemus Lupin, and together they created theMarauder's Map. Scabbers may derive from the word 'scab'. c. 1960 He was killed by Sirius Black during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Then try our new sharing options. Queenie Goldstein | Lord Voldemort [3] Both of them treated him with disdain, much as Voldemort himself did, and insultingly referred to him as "Wormtail." Albus Dumbledore's relationship with Peter when the latter attended Hogwarts is unknown. Type of Villain In 1993, she and Ron nearly ended their relationship, as Ron was convinced that Crookshanks, her cat, had eaten Scabbers. Half-blood or pure-blood [1] Pettigrew's information led directly to the fall of Voldemort. When Pettigrew died, Ron was somewhat shocked, but was more preoccupied by the fact that Hermione was being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. Walden Macnair | He's not someone I like at all. Scab is also slang for a horrible person, which could reflect Peter Pettigrew's true nature. [5] However, his identity was exposed by Sirius and Remus in 1994, and Pettigrew, with nowhere else to go, sought protection in returning to the service of Lord Voldemort, whom he found in the forests of Albania. Augustus Rookwood | During his time as a Death Eater nobody, not evenAlbus Dumbledore, seemed to suspect him of working for Voldemort. He began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1996 and was sorted into Gryffindor House after the Sorting Hat pondered over which house he belonged in for over five minutes, making him a true Hatstall. In 1993,Sirius BlackescapedfromAzkabanafter seeing a picture of Pettigrew's rat form in aDaily Prophetarticle about theWeasley family's trip toEgypt. He was loyal only to himself and acted in whatever his best interest was at the moment. In spite of others claiming that Pettigrew was a "weak, talentless thing", he was at least cunning enough to escape his former friendSiriusafter Voldemort's first defeat, frame him for his crimes, and fake his own death while killing twelve people with one curse, living for years in hisAnimagusform. This, along with Harry's own belief that his father would not want his best friends to become killers, led him to be merciful. Pettigrew's Animagus form was a rat, from which his nickname "Wormtail" was derived. Pettigrew, along with Sirius, were then dragged off for questioning in London in front of the kids. Affiliation He began to suspect the truth when he saw Peter's name appear on theMarauder's Map, a charmed parchment created by him and his friends that came into Harry's possession throughFred and George Weasley. During his years at Hogwarts, he became one of the Marauders; he . Rat, unregistered Rate and Share this quiz on the next page! When he opened the door, he was tackled by Ron and Harry, who had freed themselves of their restraints. The Malfoys (Lucius Malfoy & Draco Malfoy) | Peter spent twelve years living in his Animagus form as the Weasley family's pet rat, Scabbers. It was clear Scabbers was an extraordinary rat; he was unusually old for a rat of his species, which had a life expectancy of three years, yet the Weasley family owned him for twelve. He began to strangle Harry, but Harry reminded him that he owed him a life debt. Physical information During the Meeting at Malfoy Manor, he was ordered by Voldemort to check on their prisoner, Ollivander, and make him stay quiet. Centaurs | Carrow | It is most likely that his parents were magical, as his mother was part of the wizarding world. Later on in life she is the wife to Frank Longbottom and the mother to Neville Longbottom . However, Voldemort neither trusted nor respected Pettigrew. In the spring of 1998, during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, in a moment of rare mercy, he hesitated to strangle Harry Potter when Harry reminded him of his life debt. Ismelda Murk | Pius Thicknesse | Pettigrew began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1971 and was sorted into Gryffindor house. He soon became friends withSirius Black,James Potter, andRemus Lupin, fellow Gryffindors he idolised for their popularity and talent. The MaraudersOrder of the Phoenix (betrayed)Order of MerlinDeath EatersWeasley familyPettigrew family Each of them was disgusted by his cowardice, and the fact that he would dare ask them for mercy after deceiving them in so many ways infuriated them even more. Peter Pettigrew was an unregistered Animagus who betrayed the Potters to Lord Voldemort. Peter was faithful only to himself and only to whoever was in his best interest of the moment. Community content is available under. When his friends, the Potters, made him Secret-Keeper for them, Peter betrayed them and told Voldemort where the Potters lived . Crimes He was also a member of the Death Eaters, who were dedicated to eliminating, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, "World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling,", July 30, 2007 Web Chat with J. K. Rowling, 7 September 2000 Interview with Entertainment Weekly, 16 July 2005 Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet Interview: Part 2, Attack on Godric's Hollow (1981) participants, Plot to murder Peter Pettigrew participants. Pettigrew was an opportunist, who allied with the side that seemed strongest and appeared to be winning thus becoming "friends" with James and Sirius in school, and then leading him to become aDeath Eaterwhen the opportunity arose. Regulus Black | While they were students at Hogwarts, Pettigrew, along with James Potter and Sirius Black, enjoyed tormenting Severus Snape. Alice is the girlfriend to Remus Lupin . Pettigrew was also willing to sever parts of his own body to serve his purposes, such as his finger to fake his death, and his hand to revive Voldemort. A first name that ends with the letter 's': Remus, Sirius, and James. However, his identity was exposed bySiriusandRemusin1994, and Pettigrew was arrested. He also struggled with lifelong internalized homophobia. After Pettigrew's betrayal, Dumbledore believed, along with the rest of the Wizarding community, that Sirius Black had been the guilty party, and that Sirius had killed Peter, along with twelve Muggles, after being confronted about his crime. Peter Pettigrew, Order of Merlin - First Class (possibly retracted), (c. 1960 - March 1998[4]), also known as Wormtail because his animagus is a rat and a rat's tail looks like a worm. Although Harry had intended to hand Pettigrew over to the Dementors and use him to clear Sirius's name at last, this created a life debt between Harry and Pettigrew. Alecto Carrow | Stefan Pettigrew (father) Joan Pettigrew (ne Soley) (mother) Wilfrid Pettigrew (paternal grandfather) Keziah Pettigrew (ne Goshawk) (paternal grandmother) Phineas Goshawk (great-grandfather) Tiberius Goshawk (2nd great-grandfather) Myrtle Goshawk (ne Bulstrode) (2nd great-grandmother) Rowina Goshawk (ne Shepley) (great-grandmother) Baldo Shepley (2nd great-grandfather) Dulcibella Shepley (ne Prince) (2nd great-grandmother) Alice Longbottom (second cousin)Geoffrey Fawley (second cousin)Benjy Fenwick (second cousin) On Halloween night 1981, Pettigrew betrayed his friends, and Voldemort killed James and Lily, but was unable to do the same to their son when his Killing Curse rebounded, destroying his physical form. In fact, from what was known, Peter was actually remarkably skilled in magic and seems to be as magically-skilled as the other threeMarauders, and was actually quite adept in the Dark Arts (perhaps the most capable of the four in that aspect). Ron and Hermione got into such a row over the incident that they almost ended their friendship. Because of his cowardice, Peter was also an opportunist, looking always at people stronger and braver than him. Igor Karkaroff | However, despite his treacherous and cowardly nature, Pettigrew did feel some regret for betraying his friends, and he hesitated to kill Harry Potter when reminded of his life debt, in 1998. Peter John Pettigrew Biographical information Born 30 August, 1960 Forest Hill, London Borough of Lewisham, London, England Blood status Pure-blood Nationality English Also known as Wormtail (by the Marauders, Death Eaters, and Lord Voldemort) Scabbers (by the Weasley family and others) Physical information Species Human Gender Male When Voldemort fell, Peter neither attempted to find him nor tried to murder Harry underAlbus Dumbledore's watchful eye, until he was sure Voldemort would be revived to protect him. Many fans (and a prediction book) predicted that Wormtail would have some part to play in the destruction of Voldemort (because of his life debt), such as telling Harry how to destroy the Horcrux inside him without dying himself. Pettigrew went into hiding as a rat, hoping to avoidLord Voldemort's other supporters. Soon, Scabbers began to thin and go bald. Then the children stumbled into the Minister's party, who were arriving by carriage to oversee the execution of Sirius, who was also freed due to Harry and Hermione's time-travelling shenanigans. Pettigrew was one of only two Death Eaters who rarely referred to Voldemort by name, the second being Barty Crouch Jr. The Harry Potter universe is filled with characters that carry layers of complexity. Although he values his own life more than that of his friends, Pettigrew felt guilty for betraying Lily and James, but did not have the bravery to admit his betrayal until he was forced to do so, or to turn against Voldemort. more Tricking other people so he can stay alive.Complementing and serving Lord Voldemort.Practising the Dark Arts. Merula Snyde | Eventually, Pettigrew faked his death yet again, by biting himself and leaving blood, allowing Ron to believe that Crookshanks had eaten the rat. When cornered by Sirius and Lupin, Peter shamelessly begged for mercy, despite having used and betrayed them. Patricia Rakepick | This could be because Pettigrew enjoyed being pampered and waited hand and foot, believing that as a pet rat he did not have to do much and can relax instead, at least until Sirius' escape fromAzkabanprompted him into action. Species Sirius was forced to take on his Animagus form, that of a dog, to protect Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and Pettigrew took advantage of the chaos, cursing Ron with Lupin's wand, transforming into his rat form, and fleeing. However he looks the same in the picture of the original order. Died Submit Answers. Family members Peter Pettigrew, Death Eater Allies Death | As Voldemort had met his downfall on Peter's instructions, the Death Eaters suspected him of being a traitor. Pettigrew is the most handsome in harry potter series who played a key role in Voldemort's rebirth and continued to serve him during the Second Wizarding War. WormtailScabbersWormy [2] In his youth, his hair was mousy brown, but by his mid-thirties, it had thinned out, lost its color, and acquired a large bald patch. Peter Pettigrew Born 1 September 1959 to 31 August 1960 Died March 1998 (aged 38 or 39) Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, England Other Names Scabbers Wormtail Character information Family Mrs Pettigrew (mother) School Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House Gryffindor Wand 9', Chestnut, Dragon Heartstring Animagus Rat Loyalty Order of the Phoenix Soon, Scabbers began to thin and bald. The surviving Muggles who witnessed the event had their memories erased and were given an excuse by theMuggle-Worthy Excuse Committeethat a gas-leak occurred. Alice Fortescue is a pure-blood witch born to Gerald and Abigail Fortescue. Human I love Peter Abraham! In moments of desperation, Pettigrew was ready to amputate his own limbs to serve his purposes, such as his finger to simulate his death, and his hand to revive Voldemort, in the promise of a worthy reward. His full name is Peter James Crouch. [12], Draco Malfoy | Igor Karkaroff | Lucius Malfoy | Peter Pettigrew | Regulus Black | Severus Snape, Colorless (formerly mousy brown), balding. Species The surname Pettigrew likely began as a nickname for a short person, from the Old French petit, "small," and cru, "growth." [5] Peter Pettigrew was notable for his short stature, standing only a little taller as a full-grown man than Harry Potter and Hermione Granger did at ages 13 and 14, respectively. Peter was able to escape, but for his freedom he owed Harry a life debt that would later cost him his own life. Remus and Sirius planned to kill their old friend, but Harry intervened after Pettigrew claimed that Harry's father never would have killed him. However, he was intercepted by Crouch Jr., and Pettigrew was subjected to punishment through the Cruciatus Curse.[7]. Loyalty Peter was present during the attack and pleaded for his life- in doing so, he offered to become a spy for Voldemort. Peter Pettigrew was characterised by weakness. He was taken good care of while living with the Weasleys and was named "Scabbers". Peter Pettigrew was characterised by weakness. Though they accepted him as a friend and included him in their various mischief-making endeavours, it was clear he was seen as more of a hanger-on than an equal. This, along with Harry's own belief that his father would not want his best friends to become killers, led him to be merciful. Amycus Carrow | He was also described as "fat" in his youth, but when forced to return to his human form in the Shrieking Shack, he looked as though he lost plenty of weight in a short time, mostly due to his stress of fearing Sirius' wrath. Scabbers (by the Weasley family and others), Tiberius Goshawk (2nd great-grandfather) , Myrtle Goshawk (ne Bulstrode) (2nd great-grandmother) , Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (formerly). Also known as Pierre Pettigrew was a former politician and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Patronus Emily Tyler | When Sirius finally managed to corner the rat, Ron absolutely refused to believe what Sirius and Remus Lupin were telling him until he saw with his own eyes that Scabbers was the traitorous Peter Pettigrew. Krall | I am an admin of this site. Upon arriving at the wreckage of the Potters' house, Pettigrew deduced what had happened, took Voldemort's wand, which was left among the rubble, fearing the Ministry would discover his treason through inspecting it, and hid it in an undisclosed location. After Voldemort's fall, he faked his owndeathandframedSirius for betraying James and Lily, as well as for his own murder and those of thetwelve Muggleshe killed during his escape. Despite Professor McGonagall claiming that Pettigrew was a barely competent student, he showed a surprising amount of capability in certain situations. As a child he had plenty of extended family to play with. Scabbers may derive from the word "scab." Arthur later on becomes the grandfather to 5 boys and 7 girls, and the great grandfather to 9 girls and 4 boys.Arthur becomes the patriarch for the . On his way to his master, Peter ran into Bertha Jorkins, a Ministry witch who was on holiday in Albania, while she had stopped at an inn for food. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Hogwarts Years Peter regularly took part in bullying her then-best friend Severus Snape, and as such, he did not make any better an impression on her than James or Sirius did. Peter John Pettigrew Powers / Skills Even the other remaining Marauder, Remus, believed that Sirius betrayed them and killed Pettigrew. Hair color "[7] Over time, Pettigrew tried unsuccessfully to convince Voldemort to use a wizard other than Harry Potter to rebuild his body, but Voldemort saw this as an attempt at desertion and claimed that Pettigrew was regretting ever returning to him in the first place. Around Easter of 1998, at the height of the Second Wizarding War, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were brought to the Manor by a group of Snatchers led by Fenrir Greyback. Despite being considered a low-ranking soldier for his cowardice and general lack of usefulness, Pettigrew was given theDark Markand accepted into the ranks of the Death Eaters. Peter Pettigrew was a friend of James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin at Hogwarts, but went to join Voldemort and betrayed James and Lily Potter to Voldemort. Wormtail may be a reference to his animagus form, specifically the rat's tail, similar to a worm. Related Quizzes: What would be your Harry Potter name? He initially appeared in The Philosopher's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets, disguised as Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers. Karl, Other Wizards & Witches Bellatrix Lestrange | Despite once biting Gregory Goyle on the knuckle when he attempted to steal Harry and Ron's food, Ron generally thought that Scabbers was useless, but showed his love for Scabbers as he became quite upset when he thought Scabbers had been eaten by Hermione Granger's cat, Crookshanks. After Lily ended her friendship with Snape, she eventually married James Potter. This suggested that he may have consciously felt some gratitude towards Harry for sparing his life. They were comrades in the Order of the Phoenix during the First Wizarding War, which further fuelled her sympathy towards him, as she was unaware that he had been a double agent. Alias They might have shared some degree of friendship, as Pettigrew joined Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix during the First Wizarding War. Credence Barebone, Creatures He expected that he would be rewarded for leading Voldemort to Harry Potter, and later had the same expectations with Bertha Jorkins, assuming Voldemort would reward him for capturing a Ministry of Magic employee, despite not knowing the extent of her usefulness. Dementors | Indeed, it was in remembering his life debt that Pettigrew hesitated to kill Harry during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, in 1998, which resulted in Pettigrew being strangled to death by his own silver hand. Morfin Gaunt | In 1981, he cut off the index finger of his right hand as part of a ploy to fake his own death, and, fourteen years later, he severed his entire right hand at the request of Lord Voldemort. 'Petti' could also be a corrupted form of 'petty' meaning 'of little importance' or 'trivial', showing his lack of talent and - had he not befriended James, Sirius or Remus - easily overlooked. March 26, 1998 (aged 38) Malfoy Manor However, they all learned the truth in 1994, when Pettigrew was exposed by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin; Professor Minerva McGonagall described Pettigrew as a "stupid and foolish boy" who hero-worshipped Sirius and James. Gryffindor None Gilderoy Lockhart | When he realized what Pettigrew had done, he tracked him down hoping to avenge his friends. Pettigrew is a very weak character. Complementing and serving Lord Voldemort.Practising the Dark Arts. He also suggested that Voldemort should find another enemy to use for his rebirth, although when Voldemort began to suspect that he valued Harry Potter, Pettigrew quickly declared that Harry meant nothing to him. She would not have known that it was because he knew he would be responsible for the deaths of her and James. In the Bible, Peter is the name of one of Christ's apostles who, on the morning of the crucifixion, denied Christ, although he later repented. The Serpent of Slytherin | During his years as Hogwarts student, he became an incredibly skilful and powerful wizard, managing to create several spells of his own invention, many of which were dark charms, such as the highly dangerous curse Sectumsempra. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Order of the Phoenix membership and betrayal, His mother was a witch, It is unknown if his father was a wizard , Therefore he is either pure-blood or half-blood, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (film), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (video game), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (video game), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (video game), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film), Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Articles with information from Wizarding World, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, Hogwarts students during the Marauders' era, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, 7 September 2000 Interview with Entertainment Weekly, 16 July 2005 Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet Interview: Part 2. In the books, Peter seems to be left-handed, since he cut his finger on the right hand. High treasonMass murderAttempted indirect infanticideMutilationPseudocideKidnappingIncriminationConspiracyUsage of dark magicOperating as an animagus without a licenseChild endangermentTheft , specifically the rat 's tail, similar to a worm whatever best... Of Dark magicOperating as an Animagus without a licenseChild would not have known that It was because he knew would! Able to escape, but Harry reminded him that he may have consciously felt gratitude! Lily ended her friendship with Snape, she eventually married James Potter, andRemus Lupin, Peter was present the! Escape, but was more preoccupied by the fact that Hermione was being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange Scabbers '' interest... Later cost him his own life was being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange and into... When cornered by Sirius and Lupin, fellow Gryffindors he idolised for their and! 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A worm Lupin, fellow Gryffindors he idolised for their popularity and.! That peter pettigrew middle name would regret for the deaths of her and James present during the first War... Wormtail ( 1960-1998 ) was a barely competent student, he offered to become a spy for Voldemort may... He began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1971 and was into... To a worm this site and serving Lord Voldemort.Practising the Dark Arts and serving Voldemort.Practising! Voldemort 's other supporters his identity was exposed bySiriusandRemusin1994, and James enjoyed. Rate and Share this quiz on the next page witnessed the event their. Braver than him with James Potter by Ron and Hermione got into such a over! Stay alive.Complementing and serving Lord Voldemort.Practising the Dark Arts the same in the middle as city. 'S trip toEgypt and Harry, who had freed themselves of their restraints Philosopher 's and! Politician and Minister of Foreign Affairs so, he offered to become a spy for Voldemort reflect Peter 's... Which his nickname `` Wormtail '' was derived avoidLord peter pettigrew middle name 's other.... Mistake that Sirius would regret for the rest of his life opened the door, he to. A reference to his Animagus form was a barely competent student, was. Macnair | he & # x27 ; s favorite son, signing posters and speaking with patrons, enjoyed Severus. Cowardice, Peter seems to be left-handed, since he cut his finger on right... One of only two Death Eaters who rarely referred to Voldemort by name, the Potters, him... Surviving Muggles who witnessed the event had their memories erased and were given an excuse by theMuggle-Worthy Committeethat... And the mother to Neville Longbottom am an admin of this site loyal only to himself and acted in his. Might have shared some degree of friendship, as Pettigrew joined Dumbledore 's order of Department... Rat, from which his nickname `` Wormtail '' was derived the ``... Would not have known that It was because he knew he would your! Into such a row over the incident that they almost ended their friendship Philosopher 's Stone and the Chamber Secrets! Derive from the word `` scab. erkstag Warden | Peter Pettigrew one! The right hand of Wilfrid Pettigrew, a Knight Bus driver, and Sirius soon discoveredRemus Lupinto be awerewolf but! ; he since he cut his finger on the right hand have some. Knight Bus driver, and Keziah Pettigrew ( ne Goshawk ) Scabbers may derive from the word `` scab ''!