(384) Then the frog threw off her frogskin and turned into a beautiful, sweet girl, named Vasilissa. In principle, a person could be magnetically levitated too like frogs, we are mostly water. One of the easiest and quickest frog designs you can make has the base of a sheet cake. So, where I'd give FROG Prince 4 stars, this one is more like 4. Sentence types can also be combined. They are similar in some ways, but they are definitely not the same. A single tree frog can alight anywhere on the skin. (143) In biology class we had to cut up a frog. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. (336) A red - eyed tree frog will change its skin color to blend in with its surroundings. A frog or fowl or guinea-pig held in some unnatural pose, and retained so forcibly for a time, becomes "set" in that pose, or rather in a posture of partial recovery of the normal posture. (293) 2The other species examined was the European common frog, Rana temporaria. You'll have to kiss a lot of frogs under fluorescent lights before you find the one. I am very happy. (633) In the stomach, the eggs went on to develop into tadpoles, and in the stomach, the tadpoles went on to develop into frogs, and they grew in the stomach until eventually the poor old frog was at risk of bursting apart. (156) I found a tree frog on the wall in my bathroom. (691) "frog" meaning in english, "frog" definitions. He murmurs something that sounds like, my dear leetle mongoose. Nobody is much interested, and the frog dies. (177) The goliath frog is able to jump three meters or so. Organic sprays tend to do the job more quickly and are more humane. and (355) The bull-frog of the eastern United States and Canada, reaching a length of nearly 8 in. Frogs also hibernate from october for around 3-5 months. (268) Tush, child, tush, said the old frog, that was only the famrer's ox. (442) You control Number Muncher a frog-looking character that moves between squares containing different numbers. Original Leap Frog systems encouraged kids to learn phonics, and other basic preschool skills. (436) 1How dreary to be somebody! When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as English meaning of the word "frog"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of "frog" through sentence examples. (34) The snake swallowed a frog. Perhaps she had to kiss quite a few frogs before finding her true prince, or maybe he searched far and wide to find the princess of his dreams. (419) A big frog plunged into the river agilely , swam in its life space stretching their legs heartily. (566) And our new project is having the inmates and ourselves learn how to raise the Oregon spotted frog which is a highly endangered amphibian in Washington state and Oregon. (440) I liked the name Frog Brigade because it lent itself to a lot of cool imagery with the whole frog thing. (634) The jackal stands for Anup, the hawk for Har, the frog for Hekt, the baboon for Tahuti, and Ptah, Asiri, Hesi, Nebhat, Hat-hor, Neit, Khnum and Amun-hor are all written out phonetically, but never represented in pictures. Tiny frogs for cake decorating can be made from fondant or colored marzipan, then dried and placed on a cake as a finishing touch. (178) Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area? (456) the story was that when the kgb learned about nina kulagina's ability, they performed a test with a living frog. (311) And every part can be transformed; every frog can be transformed in a prince. This activity pack includes everything you need to teach all about frogs and the life cycle of a frog! (290) The other species examined was the European common frog, Rana temporaria. You can also choose to pipe a flat frog design on a round cake or sheet cake. (570) It was opened by another footman in livery, with a round face, and large eyes like a frog; and both footmen, Alice noticed, had powdered hair that curled all over their heads. (361) An Xenopus, for example, is a puffy, South African frog that comes in a variety of colors. (127) hmm, the son of a frog is a frog, indeed. (506) In 185German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a frog's leg muscle so that when the muscle contracted it broke a circuit. (381) If I'd have waited around for that, I would have never -- the frog would have died, you know. A few light colored highlights will bring your tree frog tattoo to life with vivid, glowing skin. (110) He opened the box and out jumped a frog. Learn about the difference between frogs and toads. splash! The fish and the phoenix could both fire unlimited projectiles. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. (292) A frog should have just a wee bit of a paunch, like the Baron de Charlus. Bush could no more turn himself into a man of the people than he could turn Karl Rove into a frog. (505) He is not, said Avery. (474) Within a species not all populations may be migratory; this is known as partial migration . (577) Wind turbines turn lazily in a waft of air, a frog croaks in a pond, a small white goat munches grass along the driveway and a waterwheel makes faint sloshing noises as it turns. (265) if you won't dissect a dead frog, then you will dissect a live one. (625) The dusky gopher frog is a somewhat defenseless creature, confined these days to a handful of pampered ponds in a Mississippi forest and at serious risk of extinction, according to a government lawyer. Some of the simpler frog models are action figures that can be made to jump. (551) And here's where the frog really leaves Homo sapiens like us in the dust - or in this case, the mud - the frog is creating a kind of burial chamber for itself. (278) The witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog. Companies like Leap Frog and Fisher Price offer electronic toys that are tough enough for preschoolers to enjoy. (557) Under a presupposition of that its frog wasn't worn, a simple formula for calculating the abrasion limitation of DZ(DSZ)35 plowshare was brought forward in the paper. big frog in a small pond. Many have the power of changing colour, a faculty which they share only with various frogs, toads and fishes. (438) I wanted it to go out of sight and then I wanted this little parachute to come back with the frog in it. (522) In 1850 German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a frog's leg muscle so that when the muscle contracted it broke a circuit. (358) China has an energy policy based on radical energy efficiency and leap-frog technology. Silence again.". Clicking the left mouse button makes the frog shoot the colored ball in its mouth straight out. (320) In a recent science lab, we observed the tadpoles metamorphosis into a frog. Aim for greater heights always. She wanted 2 very much, so she begged her mother to buy it for her. (657) Another statue, The Sluggard, of equal merit, was exhibited in 1886; and a charming statuette of a nude figure of a girl looking over her shoulder at a frog, called Needless Alarms, was completed in the same year, and presented by the artist to Sir John Millais in acknowledgment of the gift by the latter of his picture, Shelling Peas. (115) I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. As the first African-American Disney Princess, Tiana from The Princess and the Frog is also a groundbreaking character. Yes! If you put a frog in a pot and slowly turn up the heat, it won't jump out. Used strictly, the term may be limited to any member of the family Ranidae (true frogs), but more broadly the name frog is often used to distinguish the smooth-skinned, leaping anurans from squat, warty, hopping ones, which are called toads. Our DM showed us all kinds of interesting stuff highlights included frog fish, seahorse, pipe fish and a mimic octopus! It appears almost every origami artist has created a slight variation on the traditional Japanese frog model. Kristen's make-believe friend was named Barney while her sister's imaginary pal was a furry monster called Ed. They are mainly insectivorous but will tackle scorpions, frogs, lizards and even small birds. (244) But the young princess would not listen to the frog's croaking. Among the nature sounds available are those of relaxing birds and frogs, gentle rain and crickets, beach waves, rolling thunder, and healing falls. I wanted to think about how fine everything is. (349) Normally, there are money, eagle, frog, whale, small people carved on the totem pole. Decorate the frog with black frosting or small candies. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Irony Verbal Irony The narrator describes Smiley's voice as possessing "a gentle-flowing key" when, in fact, he finds his voice "tedious." He is being excessively polite in his description, showing off his manners in an exaggerated fashion. (567) I'm focused on two projects I want to tell you about. (276) A frog will hop from pad to pad, jumping in search of flies to eat. It is absurd to call the larva of a newt or of a Caecilian a tadpole, nor is the free-swimming embryo of a frog as it leaves the egg a tadpole. Transforming Tiana doll - You can reenact the moment when Tiana changes from a frog into a beautiful princess. It is nowhere abundant, but is found over the northern parts of Europe and Asia, and is a quiet, inoffensive animal, nocturnal and solitary in its habits, sleeping by day in its burrow, and issuing forth at night to feed on roots, beech-mast, fruits, the eggs of birds, small quadrupeds, frogs and insects. (238) He was frog-marched through the kitchen and out into the yard. The jackal stands for Anup, the hawk for Har, the frog for Hekt, the baboon for Tahuti, and Ptah, Asiri, Hesi, Nebhat, Hat-hor, Neit, Khnum and Amun-hor are all written out phonetically, but never represented in pictures. (484) Upon arriving at the bistro, guests can dine on appetizers such as frog legs, a fresh tomato and basil tart or grilled sea scallops. (98) We dissected a frog in biology class. Seeing a group of hamsters dressed up as zebras, frogs and lions is quite amusing and a bit zany. The, In 185German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a, Watch out for the rare broad-tooth rat, northern corroboree, Other genera of the family are parasitic on Hemiptera - bugs and, The Daintree Rainforest contains 30 of the, It is absurd to call the larva of a newt or of a Caecilian a tadpole, nor is the free-swimming embryo of a, But then along comes a texture, timbre or pattern that is simply too, Let the medicine man or magician pray that the fever may pass into the, I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper [, A mathematical model of interaural-level-difference detection in auditory neurons in the, 1I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper [, Now appearing in the lobby of Stony Brook University Medical Center: a, The Italian name of calamita, which still persists, for the magnet, and which literally signifies a, In 1850 German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a, The word also shows the familiar petname diminutive -ga also seen in, In very thin angle irons, in which the wastage in the heating is greater in proportion to the whole body of metal, the width of the, African bullfrogs are found throughout southern, central and eastern Africa and are second only in size to the almighty goliath, 2The results showed that black pigment of, Beside me, Philippe and Meg hold hands. With a little bit of creativity, a wide variety of pans can be used as frog cake pans. (514) Let the medicine man or magician pray that the fever may pass into the frog, and the frog be forthwith released, and the cure will be effected. The cause is this, the great, the big bull frog, grasps all. (490) And frog mode. (612) 2But it turns out that about 8percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalisthe western clawed frog native to sub-Saharan Africa. Animal games, duck heel-and-toe walking race, bunny hurdle race, 2Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring, 2But it turns out that about 8percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalisthe western clawed, 1Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring, 1But it turns out that about 8percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalisthe western clawed, The good news is that, with a little bit of habitat restoration and fewer flights, the, Thus the brothers were married: the oldest to a young boyarishnia, a nobleman's child; the second to the merchant's beautiful daughter, and the youngest, Tsarevitch Ivan, to a croaking, The aiming MISS RED is to reject fogyish thinking, reject a kind of science view to be like a, The most famous is the electric eel, which a colleague of Markham's termed a, But it turns out that about 80 percent of the genes known to cause diseases in humans have counterparts in the genome of Xenopus tropicalisthe western clawed, The changes that occur at metamorphosis can be rapid and dramatic, the classic examples being the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into an adult butterfly, a maggot into a fly, and a tadpole into a, After, we become a fish; after, we become a, Pseudis was first described by Marie Sibylle de Merlon (1647-1717), in her work on the fauna of Surinam (published first in 1705 at Amsterdam, republished in Latin in 1719), as a, Rampant logging continues to destroy both plant and animal life in the islands forests, and exotic creatures such as the Stumpffia pygmy, One of the interesting recent discoveries is that of the hairy, Within a quarter of an hour after a quantity of cinnabar has been injected into the blood of the, In the stomach, the eggs went on to develop into tadpoles, and in the stomach, the tadpoles went on to develop into, The jackal stands for Anup, the hawk for Har, the, I think the fact that I'm so well known to be gay makes it very difficult to have a convincing relationship with a woman on screen. (112) We should anatomize this class frog. (172) 2The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito. (408) 2Blue-grey spike grass rustles amid swamp box and bush banksias, a frog, perhaps, or even a wallaby. Dear husband of mine, Tsarevitch Ivan, why are you so sad? (373) Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog: Few people are interested, and the frog dies. And somewhere up there would be the chance that a frog would turn into a prince, and similar magical things like that. Among the inoffensive species are counted the graceful green "tree snake," which pursues frogs, birds and lizards to the topmost branches of the forest; also several species of pythons, the commonest of which is known as the carpet snake. He lets me scratch him between the eyes.The, Jill of the Jungle could transform into a phoenix, a, In rain you must be feeling to go outdance aroundsing songsmeet friendsjump aroundno worry!Every, Small species of boa; crocodiles abound in the rivers and lakes; and numerous species of lizard, chameleon and tree-, He is not, said Avery. (209) The Mantellidae are Madagascars most diverse frog family. A three player card game, Frog gets its name for the German word "Frage" which means question. (254) Leap over obstacles like a frog would jump over a strain of grass. I don't need to conform to society's version of perfection to be happy. This means that the ants are forced to subsist entirely on a diet of frogs. For instance, The Rosemary Company sells "hoppy" retirement frog tape measures and "Happy Retirement" mints. You'll love the Cinderella glass slippers and the Frog Prince Glycerin Soap available at Favors by Serendipity. (539) 2New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged frog and a fish called the Henamo grunter, named because it makes grunting noises from its swim bladder. During the reign of Peisistratus he is said to have visited Athens, on which occasion he related the fable of The Frogs asking for a King, to dissuade the citizens from attempting to exchange Peisistratus for another ruler. (606) The frog in his throat returned and tried to ruin the speech but he managed to drown the little creature with copious glasses of water, like sluicing a spider down the plughole of your bath. (363) A small bullfrog that doesn't watch its step can easily become food for a bigger frog. (597) So in planning to be a professional naturalist -- I never considered anything else in my entire life -- I found that I was lousy at bird watching and couldn't track frog calls either. (478) Like circuses, cockfighting , and greyhound racing, frog jumping promotes the message that animals exist purely to entertain us. (471) But at any rate, we finally did have a device that would reproduceably put a frog out of sight and get him back alive. I try desperately not to cringe when offered tongue, After a fade to black, our heroes awake to find they are only two, as Pete seems to have been turned into a, The dispute was focused on the dusky gopher, Even though he let out a warning croak, the, the story was that when the kgb learned about nina kulagina's ability, they performed a test with a living, There are four species of lizard and three snakes, none of which is venomous; a land tortoise, a turtle and a, Substitute willow tree with white rhinoceros, harlequin, And these were all novices, and they built something that was really quite ugly -- nothing like a, No matter whether I'm facing a giant elephant or a tiny tree, Frogs proper are typified by the common British species, Rana temporaria, and its allies, such as the edible, An Italian chemist read this and said,I'm not really interested in the theological aspects of the green monkey, In addition, both agencies have joined forces to rehabilitate a nearby pond as a future breeding site for the rare, But at any rate, we finally did have a device that would reproduceably put a, And then we took the dead nucleus from the dead tissue of the extinct, They are waterplants, represented in Britain by, Within a species not all populations may be migratory; this is known as partial migration . 292 ) a frog into a frog is a puffy, make believe sentence about a frog African frog that in... 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