You have a tendency to fall in love with people who re not available, and you have to keep your relationship secret. This is a powerful combination that can eventually lead to true love. For example, my sister and her fianc have several Juno contacts in Synastry. Your partner is often drawn to art and they often make art themselves, too. It is easy for these two to commit to each other sexually. If Saturn is emphasized in a synastry chart, the relationship usually holds karmic lessons and a karmic connection. This placement suggests a need for security and emotional bond in your marriage. Juno in eleventh house people often become more socially engaged after they get married. The 10 planets from Sun to Pluto plus the North Node in detail. JUNO conjunct ALMA shows the possibility to reunite with your soulmate (LeeLoo). The most important relationships in your life will be with those you share your home with, or close family. There are karmic issues being worked out in your primary connections, and suffering or victimization may be involved. Harmonious aspects, such as trines and sextiles are usually less important, unless they are close to exact. JUNO conjunct MARS: Increased chances of great sex in a committed relationship. JUNO in PISCES wants a mate who in some way offers a transcendent experience, but her otherworldly nature may irritate him to no end when its time to come back to earth. Go to, choose extended chart selection the option, and add the asteroid Juno or the number 3 to the additional objects. Pay attention to the sign and house of Juno, and also its aspects in the chart. Look at 7th House and 7th House Lords, 5th and 9th House in both charts for a happy relationship. You are often attracted to partners how dont value you and dont treat you well. When one persons Juno is contacted by another persons planet or point in synastry, a strong attachment is indicated. This placement can indicate partners who are addicts or they have tendencies for escapism. Your relationships with family members become more important after you get married. Hard aspects from Saturn to personal planets (the conjunction, opposition, square, quincunx, semisquare) can be potential red flags. This asteroid is the part of you that is bound to your partner and wants to live in a partnership. The relationship will bring out the best qualities in the Juno person. This aspect suggests that you have similar beliefs and see life in a similar way. JUNO in AQUARIUS, actualized, is the intelligent innovator, while the undeveloped one rebels, whether theres a reason to or not! From -, ----------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------. As long as your long-term goals are aligned, this is an excellent combination of marriage aspects in synastry. Her Juno in Libra conjuncts his Sun and Mercury. It is the point where the prime vertical intersects the ecliptic. Juno-Saturn: The Asteroid of marital commitment meets the planet of commitment! The Irresistible Power of Scorpios. Juno in second house also suggests that your self-esteem gets a boost after you get married. In the chart, look to the symbol that looks like a flower. (ail221, 2015). Karmic relationships might sound good at first, but they can easily become a source of suffering in your life. Romance is also important with Juno in the fifth house. Paul Newmans Juno is opposite Joanne Woodwards Jupiter, and her Juno is conjunct his Venus and Mercury, and opposite his Pluto. Its symbol is easy to remember, as it looks like a flower: . You meet a person and you have a feeling that you have known them for ages. Some asteroids, like Juno and Ceres are more frequently used and they are generally considered more important. Junos placement by sign speaks of the approach a woman should take in empowering herself from the inside out. All aspects can be meaningful, but the conjunction is by far the most intense. Mars square or opposition Jupiter. It is important to be aware of this, as it can be the first step to getting out of the relationship or fixing your life. It is named after the wife of Jupiter, the king of gods in Roman mythology. Mars person can become jealous but knows that they have nothing to worry about when it comes to Juno person because Juno person is completely devoted to Mars person. Juno in first house can feel incomplete when alone. In a males chart, Junos sign describes the traits he finds appropriate in a mate or a partner. The North Node partner will inevitably experience most of the friction. JUNO conjunct PARS FORTUNE: Having the potential of Melinda Gates. Besides the role of Juno in synastry, it also has a lot to do with commitment and relationships in the natal chart. The negative side of Juno in Pisces is being too passive and trying to emotionally pressure your partner. Juno in Pisces sees marriage as a complete merging of two souls. Being a man with a Sun conjunct Mars aspect can result in confidence, courage, protective instincts, passion, ambition, creativity and strong instinctive urges. The past life indicators in synastry suggest a powerful connection, but it is not necessarily easy. Juno in Capricorn sometimes wants a partner who will elevate their social status. The Sun person embodies the personality traits the Juno person is looking for in their spouse. According to a study, certain Juno aspects were commonly found in the synastry charts of married couples, including: Juno conjunct North Node, Juno conjunct Juno, Juno trine Venus, and Juno trine Mars. With an afflicted Juno in second house, material possessions can become a source of conflict if the relationship comes to an end. Juno in Virgo: Your partner will be hard-working, health-conscious, and critical. Juno person may try to be supportive but ends up feeling overlooked by independent and willful Mars person. Here, it is better if the Moon person is the female and the Juno person is the male, as the Moon is associated with women. Juno in Libra wants a partner who is elegant, graceful, charming. You may meet your partner abroad. You like excitement and flair in your relationships. Others love her in part because they can rely on her. He may complain, though, when her freedom-loving Self rebels and runs wild into the night. Her marriage to Jupiter, or the Greek Zeus, was the mythological record of her absorption into the victors theology. Compatibility is generally based upon financial and sensual interdependency for you. Significant relationships may also occur within an institutional setting. JUNO on IC (female) conjunct LUST (male) - He will think of her as the ideal bedmate, may marry her just for sex and nothing else. You are often blocked initially from materializing this object. JUNO conjunct LUST - good for sexual compatibility. Thy are often from a different cultural background, or it can also happen that you move abroad because of your marriage. In the narrow-minded, this devolves into the desire for a trophy wife. Important relationships will develop within an environment of verbal expression or networking. Juno is the patron of married women and marriage. Juno in Virgo has a grounded attitude to marriage. Instantly, you can both feel a powerful pull toward each other and may have a strong sense of being on a shared mission. The Capricornian energy of the tenth house makes the marriage permanent, sometimes it is hard to get divorced with Juno in tenth house. Pluto conjunct Juno in synastry is a generational aspect. If you have some debt to pay back, or your partner has to pay back their debt to you, there are often indicators for this in the synastry chart. Lifelong, intimate partnerships are a primary emphasis for you, whether they be marital, business or professional relationships. Particularly if there are few sweet, supportive aspects. When working the negative, this Juno is too vain to be of aid to others. These aspects indicate a strong attraction, and you are almost immediately drawn to each other. Please keep in mind that no aspect should be analyzed separately. When it comes to commitment and marriage, Juno can provide additional insight besides the seventh house and Venus. Juno person and Mars person can create a dynamic and committed foundation together. Juno is the one among the four asteroid goddesses who represented steadfast loyalty to relationship-for-the-sake-of-relationship. In the Solar System, Juno takes place between Mars and Jupiter. Juno feels at home in Libra, as they both are about compromise and harmony. mars will spark fire in ics most vulnerable spots. The north node shows your future, the direction you are supposed to go in. You can learn important life lessons in your relationship related to work, service, or health. "Juno is the asteroid of the C-word: committed partnership. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Chiron Conjunct Juno Most karmic astrology synastry reports don't take Chiron into account nearly enough. It is important that karma is neither good nor bad: it simply follows the cause-effect principle. Yet Mars person is intense and assertive, making their will known and following their ambition regardless of the needs of the partnership. They are the Roman equivalent of the Greek Hera and Zeus. She is the equivalent of the Greek Hera. Juno in Pisces: Your partner will be dreamy, artsy, and imaginative. Angelina Jolies Juno is conjunct Brad Pitts Descendant, and his Juno trines her Venus and Saturn. You should read the entire chart and blend all aspects and house overlays. They teach you very important life lessons, which are necessary for the growth of your soul. She is able to reach out intelligently to what is unusual, to educate. JUNO in LEO wants someone who can shine in her own right. Juno in fifth house is married to fun, no matter they find it. The negative traits of Junos sign manifest as frustration in empowerment, and they take a decidedly destructive bent. For entertainment purposes only In astrology, it is associated with marriage, your spouse, and what you want in your family life. For example, my sister and her fianc have several Juno contacts in Synastry. JUNO in PISCES: Your partner will be dreamy, artsy, and imaginative. It is important for Juno in Virgo to optimize things, what can be sometimes tiring. With any Chiron aspect to the other person's Juno, there was a wound created through marriage in a past life. He thinks you would make an excellent girlfriend or even wife. A very rare combination that produces the most intense love and desire to be each other's spouse/mate/soul mate. Greek legend is full of stories of Hera wreaking havoc on the lives of Zeus lovers and their children. But looking beneath this level, we find a more subtle perspective on committed partnership. You will want your partner to be blunt, and you will need to give clear communication back in order for it to work. Juno in twelfth house sometimes falls in love with people who need help., and get married to someone who easily gets lost in life. 'In the natal chart, the house and sign placement of our natal Juno reveals the kind of person we are meant to marry. Pallas may also deal with sexual intimacy among women, as seen by aspect and synastry. On the flip side, a Mars conjunct North Node pairing is not without its challenges, as it is bound to be intense thanks to the influence of Mars on the other partner's Nodes. Juno in Capricorn takes marriage very seriously. ', From -!juno-in-the-natal-chart-and-synastry/cskw. Relationships with a karmic flavor are hard to end. JUNO conjunct DESCENDANT: Possibility of having a loving relationship dramatically increases with this aspect. Failure to embrace her innate sense of competence can show as inappropriate anger or hair-trigger temper, or a command to others to follow her lead even though her behavior may be less than inspiring. Juno in eleventh house indicates that you can meet your partner through social activities or volunteering. Juno in Gemini wants a partner who is smart, curious, fun to be around. Even if you separate later, you find it hard to get over the relationship. On buying any PDF report, you will receive a 30% discount coupon for another report of your choice. JUNO in CANCER indicates he wants someone to make a home with, perhaps a partner for mutual nurturing support or that he wants a mommy. This way, you can learn and grow as a soul. Juno is the idealized wife. From:, The difference between Hera and Juno is Hera often becomes very jealous of Zeus's many affairs and takes revenge on both the women and offspring. (Taineberry, 2012). You need a comfortable and secure relationship of mutual nurturing and emotional support. The mutual understanding of Mars and Jupiter is on an instinctive level. Your primary relationships will revolve around the issues of mutual finances, possessions, sexuality, trust and power. Communication often doesnt work. mars conjunct ic would be very similar to moon conjunct mars because the ic is the cusp of the 4th house which is ruler of cancer and the moon. If these planets and points are emphasized in the synastry chart, chances are that you have dealt with each other before. JUNO conjunct EROS at 19 and 20 Aquarius on the cusp of 11/12 houses - Indicates a high probability of a Loving Marriage built on newer, revolutionary and higher philosophical principles. Powered by Infopop 2000 Indeed, Juno often figures strongly in the synastry charts of marriage couples. Her Juno in Libra conjuncts his Sun and Mercury. The conjunction and opposition are the strongest connections, while the trine and sextile are less potent, yet still effective. The twelfth house is not easy to understand and to access. JUNO conjunct PSYCHE - a partnership that connects at the soul level and is held very dear. This aspect sometimes indicates multiple marriages. It covers Juno by signs and houses in-depth, and it also gives insight about Juno aspects in the synastry chart. However, retrograde planets (and asteroids) an be challenging. Conversely, having a partner may bring out these traits in you. However, as time passes, the challenging nature of the relationship comes to the surface. For example, my sister and her fianc have several Juno contacts in Synastry. Juno is of similar nature as the Moon. (IndigoDirae). If you liked this article, maybe you want to save it for later. I have this aspect with my ex - my Jupiter in Sag, conjunct his Mars (also, my Mars too!). The most significative influences for the month, Every transit is scored considering your natal chart placements, Around 150 pages with pictures PDF comprehensive report. Karmic relationships can be like that, too: they can be both pleasant and supportive or torturing and restrictive. You want a partner who provides for you (or at least could afford to provide for you). A poorly expressed composite Juno may indicate a relationship that is fraught with jealousy and control issues. JUNO in LIBRA works with others and emphasizes fairness, but when dysfunctional, she may be passive-aggressive or patently unfair (but with a pretty smile). When Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in a synastry chart, their energies will be amplified - for better or worse. Every composite aspect reading showing the essence of your relationship. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The house of the nodes reveals which are the primary life areas where you have past and where you have new lessons to learn. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Juno in the fourth house is placed in the house of home and family. (iQ), ------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------. Karma is a word of Sanskrit origin, meaning action or deed. A person with Juno in Capricorn would prefer a relatively conventional marriage; Juno in Scorpio would lead a person to place more importance on the sexual bond than on the legal aspect of union. The union becomes a means to get beyond the separateness of the self by joining forces with another at the deepest levelsthe original meaning of the heirogamos leading to healing and spiritual consummation. ASPECTS with LUMINARIES, ANGLES and NODES. Financial assets can be a source of conflict if your marriage becomes jeopardized. Asteroids are a fairly new field of astrology. You often go back to each other. A Juno retrograde natal placement suggests that the energy of Juno is more internalized. JUNO conjunct MC - Likely you will meet your spouse at work. Juno Aspects to the Sun. Juno-Sun: The Sun persons basic nature expresses the qualities the Juno person is looking for in a partner. Some people with their Juno in third house get married to someone they meet in their immediate surroundings. David Bekhams Juno is square Victoria Bekhams North Node and Juno. Juno Aspects In Synastry Juno In Aries: You will need a very bold and direct relationship. Juno in eighth house wants intensity in a relationship, in a similar way as Juno in Scorpio. Discovered on the 1st September, 1804, Juno is one of the largest asteroids in the Solar System. More than conjunct ASCENDANT, JUNO is conjunct TRUE NODE, making you loving Soul Mates for sure [though not Twin Flames]. JUNO in TAURUS: Your partner will be stubborn, stable, and physically attractive. This placement can indicate living in the public eye after marriage. --------------- ------------------ -------------------- ------------------- ---------------. This aspect can also indicate material prosperity after marriage. Look for Juno aspects to Jupiter, Natal and Draconic. Sometimes this placement makes you materialistic. JUNO in SCORPIO finds her element in the depths of the Soul and of experience. Your love traits: commitment, trust, forgiving, marriage, traditionality, faithfulness. You will note a variety of meanings and significance accorded to JUNO. In Astrology, Juno represents the good wife. Your partner can see you as their possession with Juno here. His SOUTH NODE conjunct his JUNO conjunct her ASCENDANT, his NORTH NODE conjunct her DESCENDANTProbability of wedding bells increases when NN conjuncts Descendant and JUNO is well aspected as above. Juno is associated with marriage and family life. Is your love as attracted to you, as you are to him/her? It brings restrictions, coldness, frustration. In the natal chart, Juno has a lot to do with your approach to marriage and the kind of spouse you are likely to attract. Acknowledgements: This thread has been collated from posts on LL, mostly by iQ. Another way how Juno in eighth house can play out is being a secret lover. JUNO in GEMINI: Your partner will be talkative, curious, and intelligent. -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- ------------------ --------------------. Juno person finds Mars person fascinating and Mars person's passion can help Juno person relax out of their comfort zone. The 7th house tells us the kind of person our first marriage partner will be (and the 9th house describes our 2nd marriage partner, if any). The south node, on the other hand, represents your past, where you are coming from. This aspect increases the chances of continuing to have great sex after marriage. Juno in Sagittarius sometimes indicates that your partner is from a different cultural background or a foreigner. You want a partner who is sensitive, artistic, peaceful, loving. Partnerships and balance are an integral part of Juno. This aspect can also indicate material prosperity after marriage. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Juno in Taurus: Your partner will be stubborn, stable, and physically attractive. You seek commitment and loyalty, and you are willing to make sacrifices for the relationship. Placements and combination not available elsewhere Past lives are a topic which feels unfamiliar to some people, while others are drawn to it. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy learning astrology! These cookies do not store any personal information. Your determination qualities, art talents, financial challenges, issues with authority, responsibility. The Juno person is strongly attracted to the Venus person, often immediately. Your partner needs to stay interesting to you, or else you get bored and might look for excitement outside of the relationship. A poorly functioning Cappy Juno brings chaos wherever she goes. The planet person represents what the Juno person is looking for in a relationship. For you, marriage is pointless without an intellectual connection. Your most important relationships will be with people with whom you share creativity, romance, play or the care of children. Both planets possess strong traits which make their relationship in conjunction charged and powerful. Saturn conjunct Juno in synastry gives a karmic touch to the relationship. Jupiter person supports Mars person's self-assertion, and Mars person channels passionate energy to Jupiter person. Includes the planets in the composite houses, Your chart placements analyzed according to life topics. It is associated with life lessons, Saturn is the taskmaster of astrology. For example, a retrograde Venus in the natal chart often indicates karmic relationships in astrology, even more so when placed in a karmic house. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Many astrologers have gone as far as to say Juno represents our true love or marriage partner. Of course, karma is not limited to relationships, but this article is focused on this life area. Planets in the twelfth house are hidden from you: this house is foggy and mysterious, operating quietly and often without you noticing it. Synastry aspects can show if there are some red flags, but also if you are a great fit. If Mars person can channel their passion without stampeding past Juno person's needs and if Juno person can show their commitment and devotion without becoming insecure and jealous, this couple can have a strong long term connection. At the same time, it is important to analyze the entire chart, because one or two aspects are not enough to determine the nature of the relationship. This pairing has a high potential to create an intense, passionate and successful relationship. But it isn't a traditional soulmate pairing, either; more of a marker. This asteroid is frequently prominent in the charts of married couples. However, Juno in conjunction or harmonious aspects can be a good sign if you want to get married. It comes to the symbol that looks like a flower: partnerships are a topic which feels unfamiliar some... Analyzed according to life topics relationships will develop within an environment of verbal expression or.! The taskmaster of astrology particularly if there are some red flags, but the conjunction is by far most! Of continuing to have great sex after marriage represents our true love absorption into the night aspects to,... Be challenging with Juno in Pisces is being too passive and trying to pressure! Known them for ages though not Twin Flames ], intimate partnerships are a fit... 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