She also is aware of a great deal of historical information as well as the existence of many secret societies that have risen during her immensely long lifespan. From there, Kassandra habitually clashed with thugs who working for the "Cyclops", a one-eyed bandit leader who sought to rule the island. In his affairs, she found a letter of the Ghost which explained that they wanted to create a new era. During her journey through Elysium, Kassandra learned to tap deeper into the spear's power, able to enhance several of her abilities to the level of an Isu as well as briefly summon the Full Power of the Spear of Leonidas. Project Infinity. [185], During her hunt, Kassandra tracked the Ancient known as the Broker. [282], Arriving at the Cave of Gold, Kassandra deactivated an isu mirage that hid the vault's entrance. Understanding it was an artifact of an ancient civilization, Herodotos talked to Kassandra about an ancient complex on Andros island. [255] As Kassandra was about to beat the Isu on the ground, Poseidon, Hades' brother, appeared through a portal and conjured a repulsive force between the two fighters. [199], During her track, Kassandra found a letter from Amorges demanding respect for his soldiers sent to Aipeia. [71] While Chrysis fled, she was killed by her estranged son Dolops. The creature told to Kassandra that she needed to solve three riddles to have the artifact. When Kassandra proposed to work together to find Elpidios, Darius left to find him alone. [268], Tired of her duty, Kassandra decided to rest when she was contacted by a young human Alkon who searched his parents. As she fought them, she was assisted by the Spartan general Brasidas and defeated them. Kassandra had to decide if she assassinates the human leaders or burns their supplies to stop the rebels. [238] To claim the four other pieces, Kassandra killed the Fallen who were four past targets: The Poisoner, Epiktetos, Deianeira and Swordfish. On a shipwreck, she found on a corpse a manifest indicating that the Broker was Sophos, a wealthy shipwright of Patrai who funded the Ancients. Joined by Sokrates and Hippokrates, she decided to go to the Parthenon to speak with Aspasia. [27] While there, she freed a woman named Odessa that claimed to be one of Odysseus' descendants, in pilgrimage, and scorted her through the ruins, until she had to sail away. [117] In the process, Kassandra killed the Cultist Rhexenor. Going there, Kassandra unlocked the door and recovered the Atlantean Blade, a weapon created by the Isu. After hearing rumors on Lethe's water entered circulation, Persephone had suspicions of Hekate's loyalty. During the conquest of Achaia, Kassandra fought Pallas on the battlefield and killed him. As Gergis was dead, Kassandra found a letter from Gaspar indicating she found a strange gate and allied with the Followers of Ares. [232], Later, as Kassandra went to Hekate's hovel, Persephone waiting for her. Disturbed, Deimos decided to let Kassandra go and accused Epiktetos as the traitor, smashing his head against the pyramid and killing him. As nothing kept the dead to return to the living realm, Hades tasked Kassandra to find four heroes to watch the gates of the Underworld. [247] Going to the Ixion Wheel, Kassandra saved a woman attacked by guards. As Kassandra saw that her father turned away from his goal, she tried to convince him to abandon his pride and to save humanity as the Cult of Kosmos could discover the secrets of the Atlantis. [6][7], Kassandra, Myrrine and Brasidas before the Kings of Sparta, Around 428 BCE, Kassandra joined her mother in Lakonia and the two went to Sparta. Both Desmond and Lucy collapse and the credits roll. Pythagoras gave her the half of a medallion of the Isu and advised her to go to Boeotia to meet his ally Gorgias. [135] With the Theseus armor, she entered in the labyrinth and faced the Minotaur. [72] As Kassandra made a great service for Sparta in addition to accomplish the Kings' quests, Archidamos granted Kassandra and Myrrine to live in their house. [189], After, Kassandra met Darius, Natakas and Kleta to organize their plan: Kassandra will attack the Tempest's fleet while Darius, Natakas and the stranded evacuate Achaia. After toasting with a cup of Ide's wine, Kassandra killed the mercenary to avenge the old lady. Becoming mad after touching the artifact, the captain killed his men and used its powers against Kassandra. As she searched for other hostages, she was taken by surprise by a soldier but was saved by a persian archer. [100] She later discovered that the Cult had kidnapped his family and, after finding them caged on a hideout of the Cult, she released them from their custody. October 2018 CE (aged 2,476)[1]Gateway to the Lost City, Santorini, Greece Understanding that the Order will always hunt her, Kassandra decided to protect her son, leaving him to the care of his grandfather. After that she was confronted by a masked man and Persian soldiers. Kassandra assassinated Atos the Beast Caller, Hirpes the Sordid, Aias the Clean, Kephalon the Thinker and Proktos the Moon King, ending the threat. [62] She also helped the general Demosthenes and Kleon to fight the Spartans who were camped around Athens. [92] Arriving in the Sanctuary of Olympia, Kassandra participated in the rituals of Olympic Games with Barnabas. It seems that while Bayek can be credited for giving all of Desmonds ancestors a start (he created the group they all eventually join, after all), thats his only relation to the likes of Altair, Ezio, Connor, and the rest. [136], On Lesbos island, Kassandra witnessed a woman named Bryce cornered by an angry mob who accused her of making a sacrifice for the Writhing Dread. As he had no other gift, he claimed that he owed a favor to Kassandra. [8] At one point, Myrrine later met and married the Spartan general Nikolaos who, despite Kassandra not being his own flesh and blood, raised her as one of his own. Destroying the fleet, Kassandra recovered on the commander a letter from the Magus, indicating that the Order supported Spartan Army. "[11] Like other Spartan children, Kassandra also participated in the agoge, learning there about various things, including the Gortyn Code. [181], With the note of the Cult, Kassandra collected other pieces of information on the Tempest, learning she kidnapped the civilians of Boura and prepared a weapon for her ship. Entering the party, Kassandra spoke with Herodotos who introduced her to the guests of the symposium: the playwrights Sophokles, Euripides and Hermippos, the sophists Protagoras and Thrasymachos, Sokrates and Perikles' nephew Alkibiades. There are some spoilers ahead concerning Desmond Miles and events tied to him in Assassin's Creed as well as Assassin's Creed Origins. Ezio and the Kenways AREN'T related to Altair. As Eivor was troubled by the fact that the villagers spoke Greek, she asked for answers to Kassandra. She was the older half-sister of Alexios and, through her mother, Myrrine, the granddaughter of King Leonidas I of Sparta. [87] As the fleet of Paros had blockaded the harbor of Naxos, Kassandra destroyed the fleet with the Adrestia. Poseidon agreed with her judgment and explained that she could end Atlantis' cycle forever by using the Staff of Hermes and the prizes of Cerberos and Hekatonchires. [269] Kassandra investigated, interrogating the Isu Harbormaster and discovering that the Isu Xarios took Alkon's mother for the Project Olympos. She assassinated the Centaur of Euboea, the Chimera on the Andros island, The Silver Griffin on Prasonisia Island and Machaon in Patrai. When she spoke to the Pythia, Kassandra discovered that the oracle was under the control of the Cult of Kosmos, who forced her to tell the prophecies they wanted. After the meeting, Brasidas informed Kassandra that he had a lead on a Cultist in Arkadia. [165] With Natakas, Kassandra investigated on the plague which stroke the village of Potidaia. [26] Furthermore, Elpenor stated he was looking for Kassandra and hired her to recover Penelope's shroud from Ithaka. As the Tempest swore to kill Kassandra as she was a Tainted One, Kleta arrived and revealed to her daughter she was herself a Tainted One. Founding Alkon's parents and other imprisoned humans. After killing them, Kassandra explained that they could enter if they used shards to complete the pedestal. 5 What did Wendy do in Desmond is amazing? She helped a Spartan hoplite recover a stolen map detailing vital mission plans, the man who stole the plans was hired to do so by a mercenary named . [116] She also help Aristophanes by protecting the actors Thespis and Aikaterine who were targeted by the Cult as they played in The Knights which criticized Kleon. Another letter led Kassandra to his next target, Augos, who monitored Darius and Natakas. As the Athenians were slaughtered by the Order, Darius attacked them while Kassandra went to the mine. Perikles, the Athenian leader, said she must help him with three tasks to be allowed into the Symposium. [236], Kassandra went to the Hades' Palace which was attacked by the prisoners of Tartaros. Biographical information This revealed him to be a Sage and the fact his genetic memory was identical to Desmond's indicated he was his father's son. [224], As Adonis tasked Kassandra to free humans from Persephone's influence, she learned that Hermes' Staff could liberate their captive minds. [256], Later, Kassandra met Atlas, Poseidon's elder son and Archon of Atlantis. [9], Kassandra given the Spear of Leonidas by her mother, Owing to her lineage as being a granddaughter of Leonidas, great hopes were placed upon her to live up to the strength and valor of Leonidas. [68] Going to the Temple, Kassandra helped the priests. She tracked Akantha and killed her. As Kassandra wanted to see the Kings, Brasidas advised her to deal with the Helots revolt in Sparta to be sure that the rulers will listen to her. Making her way to the beach, Kassandra stealthily dealt with the thugs and freed Phoibe, who informed her that the Cyclops had hired the mercenary Talos the Stone Fist to kill her. There, the mysterious man explained everything: he was Darius, the man who assassinated the king Xerxes I of Persia three decades ago. Orontas took the blame to protect Kassandra and Kleta. Going to Mount Taygetos where it all begun, Kassandra and Myrrine saw Alexios near the cliff. After Kassandra killed them, she joined Kleta and Orontas planning to make a deal with Ariston, the foreman of the docks of Pellene. Together, they played a drinking game. After choosing between leaving the horse to Mulios, returning it to the stable, or giving it to Adonis, Kassandra informed Persephone that she solved the problem. Kassandra decided to join Brasidas to fight Kleon. READ: How to get the Hreidmar's armor set in Assassin's Creed Valhalla? [73] She helped Damalis and Erinna against the Monger's men. Trained from a young age to fight as a Spartan, Kassandra was a highly skilled warrior capable of defeating multiple opponents simultaneously. Kassandra tracked him and killed him. [281], Investigating the church, they destroyed the cursed sign, dissipating the fog in the area. Kassandra accepted to pass the trials, accessing to the first simulation. Sharing his information, Darius revealed that Messenia was the stronghold of the Order of Dominion. Reproducing the signs, they discovered a map of the island with several markings. After identifying two suspects, a blacksmith, and a messenger, Kassandra had to choose which of them she must kill. [263]Ultimately, it led to the death of one of the lovers. He threw it in the water, proving he trusted her to protect the family. [172], Meeting with Natakas, Kassandra collected all the information she gathered on the Ancients and localized the Huntsman. During her travels as a mercenary, Kassandra came into conflict with the secretive Cult of Kosmos, an organization intent on controlling the entire Greek world. He believed the bandits were there to work with the Cyclops and suggested Kassandra deal with them. Is Kassandra related to Desmond? [134] Returning in the ruins, Kassandra spoke to the boy who gave her the key. [118] With that, the popularity of Kleon decreased and he was forced to fight the Spartans led by Brasidas in Amphipolis to regain some reputation. Kassandra was convinced to visit the island: once there she was able to open the Isu-built gate with her spear. Step into the unbelievable world of Desmond Napoles aka Desmond is Amazing, and prepare to have your mind blown. Between the 1st century BCE and the 9th century CE, she became acquainted with the Hidden Ones, a group co-founded by her descendant Amunet and her husband Bayek to protect humanity, liberty, and fight the Order of the Ancients by preventing them from using Pieces of Eden. As they succeeded in their uneasy partnership, Kassandra thanked Eivor for her help. She inserted the medallion in the lair but nothing happened. She is voiced by Melissanthi Mahut as an adult, and Maria Syrgiannis as a child. Kassandra accepted to help her father in his quest. [39], After some time, Kassandra eventually succeded in killing the Athenian leader[40] and, subsequently, defeated the Athenian army in a battle, becoming know as the "misthios with the broken spear". [214] After defeating them, Kassandra met Hermes, who recognized her as Pythagoras' descendant as she had his staff. Kassandra announced her the death of Phoibe which shocked Aspasia. No, Layla Hassan and Desmond Miles are not related to each other by blood. There she saw a hologram of the Isu. Yes, Altair, Ezio, kenways (Edward, Haytham, Connor) are related to Desmond. Kassandra and Myrrine killed the invaders with the help of Timo and Hektor. As a baby, Myrrine brought Kassandra to the acting Pythia, who proclaimed that the child showed a lot of promise. Discovering that the party was a wedding, they stopped the bride's ex-lover who tried to crash the ceremony. While trying to become the new champion of Pephka Arena, she dueled and killed Belos, the Beast of Sparta. He explained to her that the Shaded were led by the Monger who resumed the work of the Cult. After a fight to see her combat skills, the defeated King accepted to join the rebellion. After dealing with Lagos, Kassandra came back to Brasidas and Myrrine to tell them of her findings. He then left while his guards attacked Kassandra in her cell. She didn't find them but as the pirates stocked marbles, she went to the close quarry to investigate the place. At this moment guards arrived to arrest the responsible for the stranded release. [123], Kassandra with the Periklean Circle at the party, Kassandra also returned to Perikles' residence to celebrate with the Periklean Circle their victory over Kleon and the Cult, remembering Kassandra's adventures and paying tribute to their fallen friends during the War. Kassandra escorted him to Seriphos and killed Brison, the man charged to kill Phidias. [174], During her time in Makedonia, Kassandra saved Ide, a friend of Natakas who was imprisoned in military camp. With these abilities Kassandra grew to rival the gods themselves, easily besting Hermes, an actual god and slaying the mighty Cerberus. After defeating him, they met Hades who explained that Brasidias must confront what defeated him. The next day, as Kassandra bid farewell to her friends, the Tempest and her fleet approached to stop the evacuation. 2022 production: Marcus Mariota: 184-for-300, 2,219 yards, 15 touchdowns, nine interceptions, 7.4 YPA, 88.2 passer rating . Going down the hill, Kassandra witnessed Darius making peace with a dying Amorges. They said that they thought to use Kassandra as a template for their hybrids but seeing her as too human, they created the Hekatonchires and released it to suppress any future rebellion. Aspasia deciphered the message and informed Kassandra that one of the Two Kings of Sparta was a Sage of the Cult. With the staff, she no longer required food or water as the staff sustained her needs. To bring back her memories, Kassandra recovered Chara, Phoibe's eagle sculpture. With no other lead, Kassandra took the Adrestia to find her son. [157] She helped her but discovered that she was a member of the Cult who wanted to kill her twin sister Eritha to become the High priestess of Aphrodite. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The helot accepted to lead her to the commander if she helped her to free her son Pebble and other helots' children. The good news is that the Federal Reserve seems to be winning its fight against inflation. The woman explained that they were soldiers of the Cyclops of Kephallonia searching Phoibe and her family. The Isu indicated that Kassandra could prove herself to Persephone if she smothered a rebellion in the Deukalion. [111] In Summer 425 BCE, the two armies battled for supremacy. [48], Before heading to the place, she found a doctor named Lykaon in the Chora of Delphi whose grandmother was the oracle that had sentenced Alexios to death as a baby. Up to maybe Assassin's Creed Rogue the answer is yes. 8/10 There Are Conflicting Stories About How She Met Ikaros. As he wanted to quit the Cult, the Swordfish attacked Kassandra but he was killed. [159], The Heroes of the Cult branch was the armed fist of the Cult. [31][32][33] In her time aiding the army, she discovered a mole witin the ranks supported by a rival mercenary, Hyrkanos[34], and later discovered that he had stolen supplies from the Spartans, blaming the Athenians for the act. In the cave resided the Cyclops Brontes, who killed Empedokles by smashing him. She also told her that, without the ceremonial outfit of the Cult, she wouldn't be able to pass the Cult guards. [164], Darius explained to Kassandra that the Huntsman was the Magus of the Order of Hunters, a branch of the Ancients. [280], After departing from Greece, Kassandra travelled to her first destination of Egypt. Finally, he told to Kassandra that an Athenian General was captured by the Order, but if he was freed, he could help them. Arriving in Naxos, her mother decided to return in Lakonia and fought the Cult. Defeating her army, Kassandra confronted Hermes who was thrown away by Persephone as he failed her. [1] In order to hide his identity, he lives under assumed names and uses only cash to protect himself. [282], Near a church, Kassandra discovered the corpses of villagers who killed each other after becoming mad. Understanding that the lion ate the medallion's other half, she hunted the animal and killed it. To go to Boeotia to meet his ally Gorgias baby, Myrrine, the Beast of Sparta production: Mariota! 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