WebEach item is scored on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 = the statement is false or that you strongly disagree; 2 = the statement is mostly false or you disagree; 3 = the statement is about Agree or disagree? In addition, it helps students to build from a single opinion on a topic, to a more complex discussion, and can be used as a lead in for practising essay structures. Blog To get more details about setting up this icebreaker talk to Caroo. FAQ read a set of statements out to the class and ask the students to position themselves on the line depending on whether they agree or disagree with the statement. They think about how they will express their opinion for each one and an example sentence is written on the board for them to follow: I think children should/shouldnt be given pocket money because. Dogs are better pets than cats. After all, you are what you eat., This question gives you an opportunity to position yourself as what everyone wants: a problem-solver.. (strong) I totally disagree. I'm afraid I agree with James. Icebreaker questions for work get people talking, sharing information, relating to each other, and collaborating. Even Shakespeare used the term break the ice in The Taming of the Shrew to capture how a few social niceties can melt even difficult individuals. You will need to use these expressions in a discussion activity. Do you agree or disagree? This is super helpful with what I was looking for hopefully I can get more answers for what Im looking for. 3. Make sure that no one is grouped with someone they were just speaking to in pairs. This question reveals a ton of solid information about company culture. This question will inspire some vivid and hilarious visuals of coworkers wearing green capes and rocket shoes. : Yes, the next step is actually singing it. Tape two pieces of paper on opposite sides of the room, one labeled Agree and the other Disagree. This game is perfect for getting your teens to start thinking about the topic of discussion for the meeting. 23rd Dec, 2017. I totally disagree! *. Agree or Disagree Let the students sit in pairs and talk to each other. Go around the circle and have each student read a statement aloud. Keywords The point of the activity is to get students discussing, ideally using academic language. The Best Employee Recognition Software Platforms As you may have guessed, icebreakers help people warm up to other people. The students have to respond to the given statements using neithernor so auxiliary verb The objective is for students to circle or u. Outrageous questions expand our creative thinking capacity, and thats perfect for productive meetings., It will demonstrate the impressive capacity we humans have for forgetfulness., The best meetings happen when participants can think up an answer to anything on the spot., It introduces an opportunity for some light humor, but its also a reminder to reflect on the goal of the meeting youre about to start.. Pro-Tip: For more ideas to introduce yourself to others in a group setting, try out the Never Have I Ever Icebreaker where each person introduces themselves with something they have never done. Unique Gifts For Employees The class is split into groups of 4 or 5 and given a set of discussion cards which use the same statements as the handout (and are included in the same file). Yes, I agree! This Agree or Disagree Speaking Activity handoutalso includes a blank table to be used as a template. Icebreaker questions for large groups have to deliver information and spark interest quickly. Ask the students to split in groups of two. This might mean that some parts of Wobl look a little odd. I totally agree with this opinion because children spend more time with parents rather than teachers at school and develop a good amount of knowledge watching their parents and another reason is parents need to focus only on thiers kids compared to teachers who have to focus on every . I think I will ask my students to use a chat to communicate in pairs/teams. Corners. Chapter 5 Activities Facilitating Reflection A Manual for. In the right circumstances, icebreaker questions enhance group bonding, empathy, and even learning. Introduce the topic. People learn in different ways. I couldn't agree more! Instead of delivering a monologue to introduce yourself, take a more engaging approach by using one of these icebreaker questions.. Included are 25 opinion based statements which participants will agree, disagree, or remain neutral about. WebA set of 12 statements regarding power, ambition and the supernatural which ask students to state how strongly they agree or disagree with each. Webinars as interactive as their live training sessions asked about virtual icebreakers can be a lot of fun they. It generates ideas and inspiration. - Decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. Weird Icebreaker Questions for Introducing Yourself. Find moregames, activities and lesson plans, and read previous blogs fromMike Astbury. Try to continue each discussion for at least five minutes. Before big stand-up comedy shows, someone will come on before the headliner to get the crowd in the mood to laugh. I beg to differ. (Cole can be scout because hes super stealthy. Use a set of statements that people can debate lightly, but are not too controversial for the group. Icebreaker Questions for Work: The #1 List in 2022. Ask the students to split in groups of two. Interesting Icebreaker Questions for Interviews, It showcases your ambitions and tells you if the company supports passions., The answer might be the next best thing to seeing your future in a crystal ball., This fun question provides a nice break in the midst of more substantive questions., It provides a perfect chance to learn about some of your potential future coworkers.. Students work together to remember what they can before checking their own answers. Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. You will always get an interesting answer., If the people youre meeting say no, then you know its time to walk away., Its less cheesy than just leading with an. Skip to main content. They read them and write A for agree or D for disagree under each document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address and I'll let you know when there's something new on the site. In this example the statements are all in the passive to revise the grammar from the previous lesson. Agree/disagree statements challenge students to think critically about their knowledge of a topic, theme or text. When everyones finished, post the answers on the board., Youll need pens, pencils, and index cards.. It is not a matter of agree or disagree on the statement. Students stand up, move around the class and partner with someone they werent sitting next to. Companies should have quotas on their executive boards to make them 50% female. Many people have probably considered this at least once. Tell everyone to shout their answers as fast as possible., Personal Icebreaker Questions for Small Groups, This icebreaker question helps people express new dimensions of their personalities in a weirdly unforgettable way., Given a prop and a little nudge, most people have no problem talking. Require students to prepare for discussion. Include one of the phrases below in each sentence: After each statement, write 'A' if you agree, or 'D' if you disagree. (LogOut/ I see exactly what you mean! With my upper-intermediate classes, shy and quiet students really appreciated the additional structures but a few of the more confident and opinionated students were getting bored of some of the topics by stage 4. Icebreaker questions for interviews show off your unique personality. With this question, youre basically asking: Whats something you want to talk even more about? This product is designed to be an intake form for ELA classes when getting to know your students, however could also work on adults as well for team building or ice breakers. Students begin by completing positive and negative statements on the worksheet with true information. Parents know best what is best for children. Agree or disagree: butter makes everything more delicious. listen to a statement on a controversial topic and decide if they strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the statement. Students should try to write statements that their classmates would have different opinions on. It also tells you how the people youre meeting perceive you., You may or may not get some laughs. I'm afraid I agree with James. Funny Icebreaker Questions for Large Groups, Nothing is more hilarious than leaning into the taboo topic of money., Even people who cant deliver a joke to save their lives have a solid streak of self-deprecating humor., This icebreaker will make people laugh and also examine some of their worst habits., Some of us fear turning into Mom and Dad more than anything. 5. Agree or . We love it all, and this icebreaker produces it all., Weird Icebreaker Questions for Small Groups. The different types of activities in this guide offer ways to address these challenges in your large course and while some may be difficult to carry out with the entire class, they can be adapted for use in small groups. Encourage them to continue to act in ways that will make the activity successful. Its just a hilarious sign of the times. - Playing a game is fun only when you win. They have the best icebreakers. It may seem like these people always have the right thing to say, but even they will admit thats not the case; theyll tell you they always have the right thing to say to get other people talking. Tell the students they will share their answer with some classmates. They can be silly or serious. You want to cultivate an open-minded, strategic tone for your meeting, and you can get there with the right icebreakers. Oreos wants to make a new grossest flavor cookie. Reasons back to the two who receive the highest number of votes Corners technique, the. We also recommend Nextivaif you are in the market for a reliable video conferencing solution.. ), This simple question could generate some fabulous new nicknames., You get to learn if your coworkers heads are in the stars or at the gymnasium.. For more inspiration, we handpicked our favourite meeting ice breakers. Lets chat! They should explain why they agree, or disagree, and why they picked the statement for discussion. Was anything said that made them change their way of thinking toward sexual harassment? We all do this, and we can all inspire each other to just do the thing the next time. The following plan is based on an intermediate level class of 10 to 12 students. Pro-Tip: Check out our curated list of hilarious would you rather questions for even more zany ways to break the ice! Deliver these icebreakers with confidence to impress your interviewer. Pass out the &Agree/Disagree sheet. Juvenile Justice . If you had one day to live over again, what day would you pick? Additional instruction: Have people write down their answers. In this example the statements are all in the passive to revise the grammar from the previous lesson. This is an important step, as it gives students a licence to repeat and recycle ideas that arent their own and to build a wider knowledge of each topic.Once students have spoken to five or six different partners ask them to return to their seats. 16. Men or women? WebSearch this site. a. No-one can You can use the answer to determine what kind of interview youre about to get into. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Kids should be able to spend their allowance any way they want to. Count off by 2's for diverse groups or divide in half for more homogeneous groups. 6 Activities for Tackling Cultural Differences. After someone makes a statement, students must decide whether the statement was true or false. What they think you should ask reflects where they think your priorities should be., It helps you gauge the interviewers outlook on the company., The answer provides an interesting way of evaluating the overall personality of a company., With the right audience, this question could lead to a nice session of show-and-tell.. Men and women can never really be equal. Variations of class size and level are discussed at the end of the post. Pro-Tip: We recommend trying QuizBreaker as an easy option to start your online trivia contest in winning fashion! We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Would you rather - I know what true love is. Have something to add, tell us about it in the comment section below. Men should open doors for women. 2. Guide is meant for training purposes only. To listen attentively and with an open mind to all viewpoints. This icebreaker question has the element of surprise. Of course the mind leaps to something dirty right then. Tell the students they will share their answer with some classmates. When we understand what makes the people around us tick, we develop a deeper understanding of them. As such, here are two possibilities for structuring your agree or disagree essay: Introduction. For example, the prompt might be "share your name, role, and what you usually eat for . Which are better pets? Stage 1 Agree or disagree The students are given a handout with 12 statements. The combination of extra thinking time, as well as being given opportunities to incorporate other students opinions into their own conversations, helped students develop arguments and express themselves more clearly than they could in a less structured discussion activity. Prompt students with a controversial statement about a recent concept. They could even research their answers online and make notes. Theres nothing quite as exciting as putting those elementary school history lessons to practical use. I'm afraid I disagree. A great resource for finding out what young people think about literally anything. When the students have finished, each pair joins up with another pair. In this activity, students complete 14 agree/disagree statements relating to the 8th amendment and cruel and unusual punishment. Social conditions are more to blame than individuals for Label the four corners of the classroom. Most people light up when theyre asked to tell their personal stories. Agree or disagree? Would you rather be good at sports or good at tests? This icebreaker is an agree disagree why not agree disagree statements icebreaker. People who hate public speaking will enjoy seeing how far theyve come., Its always entertaining to realize that many of us never grow out of that feeling of being in trouble.. Generate a controversial statement or a question related to your topic of study. WebThe class comes up with a statement and asked whether they Agree or Disagree with it human. For a curated list, check out our 156 Best Icebreaker Questions for Work in 2023., A: You should use icebreaker questions when you want to build rapport. reconsider their stance in light of new information. 0:15. First impressions matter. There is currently a contentious argument over whether parents or teachers are good educators for children. Agree or Disagree is a check-in activity to get people comfortable with expressing their opinion. Use a set of statements that people can debate lightly, but are not too controversial for the group. This is most commonly used as an icebreaker, but you can use the format for the data-gathering stage of a retrospective. This activity provides an opportunity to assess the group prior to or following an activity. Use these questions to make the most of the small-group setting and start some in-depth conversations. I have included blank pages for you to add your own! 60 Controversial Discussion Topics with Teaching Ideas. Its always interesting to hear how we align or differ from our coworkers. 1. Kids are smarter than adults. Weve all seen worse before., People who love public speaking will enjoy remembering how they got their start. But sometimes as the leader, it can be hard to find some quick ways to do them. Everyone will be delighted to hear what non-office skills their coworkers admire them for. Icebreaker questions for work launch conversations. Online Accessibility Statement, Pricing After youve decided your opinion, generate 2-3 supporting points for it. We hope you enjoyed our list of funny debate topics! Privacy Policy 1. This allows you to use statements within a specific topic.Next, students choose three statements that they would like to discuss. Explain to students they will play a game. Have ready a bank of statements that are read out to the class and ask the students to position themselves on the line as to whether they agree or disagree with the statement. Perfect for small, tight-knit groups, this icebreaker will inspire a rousing discussion that could last for hours if you want it to. AGREE or DISAGREE: Write the words "agree," "disagree," "strongly agree," and "strongly disagree" on separate pieces of paper and post them on four different walls of the room. Use them when youre starting a meeting, introducing yourself, introducing others, and any other time you want to warm up a crowd. This question provides major-points for self reflection. Some of my new classes this term have students who either whisper, speak in L1 or stay completely silent during speaking activities (even at int/upper int level). So for that next Zoom call with your family, suggest a new game to play. Strongly Agree, Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat Disagree, and Strongly Disagree). Companies should have quotas on their executive boards to make them 50% female. Use this statement to conduct an agree/disagree game Government of West Bengal. I have prepared a handout with a blank table to be used as a template. Before participants arrive, the group facilitator should turn the conference room into a continuum. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Icebreakers get everyone in the room in the mood to think critically, share their opinions, and think outside the box., Now that you have a long list of icebreaker questions, we thought it would be nice to close with some tips for using them effectively.. Would you like to live forever? Use a set of statements that people can debate lightly, but are not too This is a set of signs for opinion-based exercises, where you ask a group to show their opinions on statements or ideas by standing in a particular part of the room. You can then ask participants to vote on the statements they agree or disagree with and lead a discussion on the results before starting the meeting. 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