censored a couple times, but I realize, well, I was just at a turning point https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiqDZlAZygU, The Simpsons Clip About a Cat Flu Was Incredibly Prophetic people would realize the seriousness of their predicament? Trump supporters shout fake news during CNNs live Supreme Court nomination coverage 24,887 views Sep 26, 2020 Perhaps the subtitles were fake? morbidity rates than in lean people.! My bet is that he still is. After that, it will be relabeled as a "syndrome" which states what happens but provides no explanation for what causes it. no one!!!!!!!!!!!! French infectious disease specialist Dr. Didier Raoult sure does along with many frontline doctors do too. Then, as now, there never was a virus. Now, a judge just came out and said, "No, you They didn't care. He forsook his goal of being a teacher and coach when he realized how competitive sports journalism could be. Covered over by FATCA. communications where people say, "Hey, this doesn't happen to me on any https://www.fox5ny.com/news/mask-patrols-will-fine-people-refusing-to-wear-them-in-nyc. The officers then trailed him and rounded him up before killing him in a fierce exchange of fire. Episode 5: https://youtu.be/k0Q4naYOYDw Courtesy: Chris Martenson. Although I voted for and continue to support President Trump, he also needs to be held to account for the loss of lives and the destruction of businesses. Customs in LAX went through it again. How low can the USA go? Was it really worth destroying the country to keep us safe from a 99% plus cure rate illness? This psychopathy entered through the front door of our institutions by permission of our official representatives. So it's Math.So here's the thing, exponential growth, we're surrounded by I believe that my this information needs to be distributed to every school district ASAP. [7], Mortensen was to appear on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan radio show on July 31, 2015, but cancelled. Most people will be touching their faces or adjusting their mask, and if they touched something with COVID, then the mask will become infected. The more of The Crash Course I watched the more I liked what Martenson was trying to do but the less I liked about how he did it. BREAKING NEWS::::BREAKING::::: . I cant give up on everything American. He was the most frantic about COVID-19 hoax despite his science background. And so exponential growth is this thing that everybody The first time I read the psychological profile of an attorney it all made sense, the corruption of the judicial system, Congress yada yada. https://youtu.be/WfoPTKYxjbk. (BTW, my acquaintance, a brainiac, also rejected his CDC-friends opinion). I hope you will consider remaining a part of this community and helping to make it both larger and stronger. Patience is a virtue. Martenson contends there was an overreaction to CV19, and real treatments have been ignored that could have saved lives. within the framework of the stage set by the psychopath is senseless. and it has been for the last 4 administrations or maybe more we have been trying to do this exact thing discussion and where has it gotten us? Folks this information is not hard to find. Evil Covid Lies & People Died Chris Martenson, Died Unexpectedly Propaganda, Russia is Winning, Biden Recession, War on Trump, Died Suddenly Continues, Brace for Long Recession, Abortion at Center of Evil Control Over USA Bo Polny, CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, God Will Act Against Worldwide Swamp Bo Polny, Desperate Deep State Planning Intense Chaos in 2023 Alex Newman, Last Failsafe to Fix 2020 Election at Supreme Court Brunson v. Adams, Jonathan Cahn Deep Dives on Gay Marriage and Joe Biden. I didnt see this on any international news feeds. finding out who the real moral giants were and who you can trust and people Martenson is a fellow of the Post Carbon Institute. On the question of individual liberty: It should be okay Today's guest explains how pensions around the world are vulnerable to collapse due to being underfunded and mismanaged. I did it, and Im not even a doctor. If Trump fired all the Obama Loyal government employees/agents, there would be no one left to run the government. Constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall Democrats Propose Supreme Court Term Limits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz42YFUF9MQ, when all the trillions have been spent by the military industrial complex,which Eisinhower warned about. An alert and vigilant America, as here at USAWatchdog.com. Shortly after, he deleted the tweet from Twitter. A new executive order addresses how the country deals with the Internet during natural disasters and security emergencies, but it also puts a lot of power in the governments hands. So I'm a quick learner, eventually. Maybe thats okay, Real wealth is tangible things produced with tangible effort. I started loading up on those supplements by mid -February, based on what Clif was saying. They weren't okay with that. Martenson wants to pretend their isnt much or any difference between the democrats and republicans. Vitamin D is in there as well as B, C, zinc and with a bunch of other supplements. BS 58 mandating mask wearing by everyone is like mandating all men be castrated to protect women from the possibility of being raped!! Hansen is also renowned for his role on Crime Watch Daily. THANK YOU Greg Hunter for your service! In April enough videos proving it was a hoax existed that only willful ignorance and complete lack of skepticism would allow one to keep believing it. You know Demon rats should begin to use their God given brains and realize that the commies they vote for are untrue representatives of how we should be living our lives (like doing abortions for organs starting continuous wars for profit fostering racism and enhancing viruses to make them more deadly for political control etc., etc.) Wonder how he knew? The question is if she can activate the gangs in California after the election or even before. . Tuesday, January 17, 2023 15:41 % of readers think this story is Fact. 3) https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m810/rr-24! foul thing. by Chris Martenson on Peak Prosperity: Currently, diesel prices in the U.S. and Europe are signaling that serious shortages are now upon the western world. Season 25 of The Bachelor was groundbreaking. system was checking this stuff out and sent me the sequence that coded for Ferfal has Matt Bracken on TheModernSurvivalist, on YouTube. Add your two cents. Yet our econonmy stays locked down. Borders will not serve their purpose. Please Note: All comments are moderated and manually reviewed for spam. Back in April I dont think anybody was talking about HCQ. I saw one video of a lady losing her mind, literally screaming with anger and tears, but I guess that was all a show. He should have explained how he came to be a member of the Branch Covidian cult in the first place, described the thought process, explained how he was unable to see the truth or how the evidence was hidden, suggested remedies to this mass psychosis, gone into the psychology of the specific belief process, proffered a de-programming protocol for others to use on their friends and family, and above all sincerely apologized for being misled and misleading others. was in those emails, because Fauci, a career bureaucrat, is just standing want to try and make money, that's okay. Ray, Canberra, LDN. Its not difficult. (To be fair he was far from being the only one.). I was thinking that they had planted something and I was being set up. BS58: Greg. Like can we show this came from a bat or a exposure on skin to create the same D3 as a caucasian, hence the disproportionately high "[10], On August 3, 2015, Mortensen was interviewed on ESPN's Dan Le Batard Show regarding his controversial tweet about the under-inflated footballs. I know what youre thinking! lab and the key signature, if we can talk about this, this is okay, because And by the way, anybody listening, They tested everything, and they couldn't find this in any other species in nucleotides, the Math says there's a one in 283 billion chance of coming on https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/top-nasa-official-unveils-28-billion-plan-land-first-woman-moon, Speaking of demon Fauci and the evil deadly gain of function viruss he likes to create Trump needs to put this guy in handcuffs and lock him up (like he said he would do to Hillary) before Fauci tries to do gain of function enhancements on this deadly brain eating microbe to make a few extra bucks for himself !! Of course there are that many every year in US, more now with riots. Then it came here. At what time would your stadium still be 97% empty space? thing. And I didn't know very much Why are we listening to him now as if hes smart? Chris Martenson: That is fair to say. That is not to say that those same people would refuse to voluntarily take measures to protect themselves when THEY deem it reasonable. where PWG stands, background of the appearance of Chris Jericho, who you should keep your eyes on and match-by-match coverage . Im glad hes come around 180 degrees to reality. Im glad ole Chris has finally come around. Simply part of the total picture. Oh, I watched 99 Hones for the fiat time this week and would you know it, I actually cried. Mortensen attended North Torrance High School in Torrance, California, and El Camino College . Only a thousand times. actually they accelerate it's progression, but that's where we're at. This Just Happened! So that's the pace of growth. And we all believe the CDC numbers right? To write the book, Martenson drew upon his expertise as an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. Twitter told her that I didn't exist. [5], On Dec 30, 2015 Mortensen and Adam Schefter were caught shilling for Dominos on twitter without revealing they had been paid to do so. Greg, about the virus at that point, but I know something about the Chinese, Went without a mask until I was confronted by no less than 4 employees at Walmart. All discussion within the framework of the stage set by the psychopath is senseless. Slim down federal government to a shell of itself. It was not hard. put that little thing into an influenza and they made a killer bug." Chris earned a PhD in . Hey, now theres a great idea ! Barr is even critical of Wray but it seems he [Barr] is even overly cautious/afraid of the Federalist Society. [2] [3] Views on the economy [ edit] protests all over the place. . Greg, I admire you and your work and realize what you are trying to bring forward. handle." yet true. So there are all these like The Wall Street Journals, and the New York the whole world is crazy Red except for you and me ! if your doctor says that, you got a bad doctor, get a different one. I dont know. "[13], Mortensen is the author of the 1991 book Playing for Keeps: How One Man Kept the Mob from Sinking Its Hooks into Pro Football. time to reset this thing a little bit. . It's a really I followed the virus on youtube from the start (around Oct/Nov 2019). Chris Martenson Co-Founder & CEO of Peak Prosperity. https://livescandinavia.com/famous-swedish-models/. We can vote our revenge or race for the lifeboats. Chris gives his views on peak oil, and frames the discussion in terms of the relationship of oil reserves and price. Its coming.. 7 million smackeroos! Scientists What may have appeared to be a form of UBI..will not continue. and dont ever re-build it. In the UK they had to halt a vaccine phase 3 trial because a patient developed an unexplained spinal inflammation illness. So here's the Math on this. Christopher Bryan Harrison is an American television and game show presenter best known for hosting ABC's reality dating show The Bachelor from 2002 to 2021. Oh, dont let me forget the other coincidence, that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton. What you say about military force being used against the American Patriots/people, I concur. So let's imagine that you're at a stadium And I knew a pandemic was coming and I knew what I was up The usual camouflage of Washington party goers. And the question is, how long do you [15], On January 15, 2016, Mortensen announced via an ESPN statement that he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer and would consequently be taking a leave of absence from his on-air work at the cable network.[17]. print TRILLIONS. When she saw me without a mask and on the other side of the street, she quickly pulled up her mask. In fact, you're being told two main lies: the first is how high inflation actually is. Dont be so hard on him. Over time. Once the lockdown was over in my county and my employer could open up our retail store, we saw our average daily sales up 80% more than the previous year. We issued a warning about Martenson a while back, knowing well what he was up to, but we just did not have the time to do the investigation and write-up required to present a bullet . "What were these regulators doing or not doing?" The federal reserve is creating exponential Chris Martenson: We Are All Lab Rats! For almost 20 years, Chris Harrison, longtime host of "The Bachelor" and its gargantuan franchise of reality television spinoffs, has built a career by making broken-hearted . What if it is as simple as increasing the vitamin D serum levels in the population to 50ng/mL The MSM needs the numbers! Right on mate! I guess we can now call him Captain Obvious, or something like that For me personally, why would I ever care again about anything Chris Martenson has to say about anything regarding science, disease, or pandemics? Most recently, Greg worked for CNN for shows such as Paula Zahn Now, American Morning and various CNN business shows. Now he has changed his tune. Millions upon Millions of refugees from the Sth Americas, Africas/ME, The East and the sub-continent will be on the march. Many experts are compromised or idiotic these days however so you cant just blindly trust the science. Stop the elites, stop the fed and end all of this B.S. that an industry takes itself out business over time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLOYQUN70hc. To do so would create more debt and many years of rebuild. And that is with everyone wearing a mask and practicing social distancing. the northern latitudes. . when we look at it, it looks manipulated to me and it looks like it came He knew hydroxyquinoline was efficacious early on, as he was actually taking it himself. FYI, one of our Oxfarm familys cardiologist said the initial fears about the virus came from the fact that it was, man made and might not perform like a normal virus. They use real sugar here, much better. And the answer If their objective was to establish herd immunity, they failed miserably. They put doctors in jail for sounding the alarm early on. I was at the airport in Panama when Noriega was taken down. Hes a disgrace! Some food for thought..just my view of the World as I see it. And we're going to make that stadium water tight, I'm going to "And he's talking about stuff he doesn't Sep 26, 2020 I was expecting the virus to be as deadly as the one in China but we had something different. So that's really the study Does no one understand the concept of cooking beans? But the second is who is truly responsible for a large part of inflation happening. When a psychopath is in your house threatening your family it is not the time for reformative discussion; it should be obvious that the psychopath is not interested in your perspective. Comparing the virus to the Spanish flu. . I think these lockdowns are not getting the results they hoped for. My passport was full of stamps for Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, Honduras, Medellin, Cali, Bogota, and Cartagena. https://www.mitofit.org/images/e/ec/ The the Perspectives of the Pandemic series these were epidemiologists mainly talking about symptoms, R values, and death rates. Torrance High School in Torrance, California, and El Camino College all over the place, as,! Deleted the tweet from Twitter refugees from the possibility of being a teacher and coach when he realized how sports. 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Travelers Buried Utility Lines Coverage,