When I need a time of refreshing and renewal in God's presence, I pray in tongues for as long as possible. . 31 But earnestly desire the best[a] gifts. 6pm - 7pm. My whole body was burning. His elder brother who shared the video online said he entered the room and was shocked to see him filled with the spirit of God. He builds himself up! I was praying (in English) intently, really focused and out came my prayer language, flowing! This is why if you want to pray in tongues for long, you have to manage your energy levels well. Bless you for putting all of Digital Magazines together for us! Get it as soon as Mon, Apr 25. Either the entire commission was only for the apostles, or it was for all believers. Established in 1994. Go ahead and speak in tongues. Without such praying, man only stumbles along and in uncertainty the . He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 14:18). Do you believe in Jesus? 11.Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural. Speaking in tongues has become my therapy. By understanding Jesus, we understand God too since Jesus and God the Father are one. Praying in Tongues is Praying what God Wants. Am looking forward to learn how to speak in tongues. Gertrude and Mechtilde - Covenant and Morning Prayer. You see, the Scriptures tell us that the flesh lusts against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one another. Galatians 5:17. There is no reason that prolongs a conversation more than intimacy. 12. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This was & is very helpful in my spiritual walk & provided much needed encouragement that I needed today. It increases the workings of God in your life, and also helps you realize the importance of God, thus giving Him His rightful place. 6) I give my testimony voluntarily and confirm that the information furnished is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. There is nothing wrong with desiring to speak in tongues for long but there is a problem if it is on top of your priority list. Yes, it is that simple. But this Christmas, the Grinch has been plotting to steal my gifts, but I'm determined to KEEP God's gifts to me. Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say Amen at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what you say? Am looking forward to speaking in tongues more often since now I know the benefits. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call. Acts 2:38,39. Luke 10:8-9, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. The Bible tells us that Jesus prayed earnestly when He was in the garden of Gethsemane that His sweat turned into blood. I told God I didnt want to go through the Whipple procedure and prayed for the cyst to be reduced in size and to disappear eventually. Life and ministry without the Holy Spirit, the Supernatural and His gifts will be a cycle of frustration but with Him actively involved, Bible results will become your reality! And yes, they will be replaced by blessings instead! Part 2/4: Praying in Tongues Builds Up Your Faith. The great gift then given to each one baptized is to aid them and enable to to pray and walk on in total understanding and victory. It is wrong to forbid or even discourage speaking in tongues, just because you cannot understand them. If you want to pray in tongues for hours, you need first to allocate hours to speaking in tongues. And the Spirit, who is not limited, knows all things. While God does not expect us to exhaust His gift because He knows we cant, He expects us to take advantage of it and get the best we can out of it. From Penang, drive to the Changkat Jering highway exit after Taiping (a worthy place in itself, with great Taiping food, the lush Taiping Lake Gardens, and the . For even before he was taken to Heaven, he received testimony [still on record] that he had pleased and been satisfactory to God. And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. A parallel meaning to the Scripture is that we shall also have this same power and invulnerability over Satan and his demons, as he is referred to as the old serpent, the devil. When you fail to get some of the breakthroughs you pray for, you will be frustrated. For you indeed give thanks well, but the other is not edified. 1 Corinthians 14:16-17. Praying in tongues gets even less time at only 5 verses in all of Scripture. What did you experience? In this new Loudmouth Prayer Series, Rev. I lost mama & daddy March 6, 1991 due to a tragic car accident when daddy had a massive stroke I have comfort and peace in knowing mama & daddy are still together, but now in heaven with their Lord and Savior! Our focus is to advance people closer to God in a practical way that brings wholeness to themselves, their families and the community at large. God bless you Pastor Prince Since watching you and your Broadcast Ive learned so much about my lord and savior!I also learned to manifest my Blessings through Practice and Prayer.Thankyou for your Teachings.Sister Wanda. It is only in your comfortable position that you will be able to speak in tongues for long. Maybe a challenge is needed. Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? Ripperger w/ Ryan Grant. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. He was so full of the spirit. When an individual, a family, a group, or a church take time to pray in the Spirit, troubles, accidents, storms, divorces, bankruptcy, etc. Of course, there are always extremists who pervert the Scripture. When my mind would get distracted, I brought it back to Jesus. This account is recorded in Mark 16:15-20,And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Glenn was born in Mauritius but was raised and educated in London, England and now resides in the USA. Praying for the sick in tongues is parallel to what Paul is teaching: .The Spirit helps us in our weakness. Thank you for the encouragement & sharing the article. Often, when we have a problem, we may not know everything about it or how to resolve it. My life has been enriched by all the teachings of Pastor Joseph Prince. When you pray in tongues, you will see good success, fruitfulness, and healing. Hallelujah! What is your need today? It will build your spirit and help you to easily follow the leading of the Spirit. But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20). The first occurrence of speaking in tongues is found in Acts 2. 1. It is beautiful to God and it comes from His Spirit. Then you can be sure you will receive this gift when you ask in His name, for He also said: If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!. The environment was great for praying and I loved it! very powerful. This is where praying in tongues take center stage. Therefore tongues is a face to face encounter with God. star, the rivers run red with blood, birds speak in tongues. I continued to pray in tongues as I waited for the medical report. Paul said that when we pray in tongues we are speaking directly to God. That feels like a personal attack, right? 1 Corinthians14:4 (AMPC) says, He who speaks in a [strange] tongue edifies and improves himself Speaking in tongues stirs up your spirit and gets you ready to go it is like taking vitamins. Are you feeling troubled, uncertain, or anxious today? Similarly, as you practice this gift, youll become more familiar with sensing the presence or absence of the Lords peace regarding a matter. That is why the devil tries so hard to keep people from asking for it. Perry*, a member from my church, wrote to me about how a 29mm cyst found at the head of his pancreas was dramatically reduced in size to 15mm in just two months after he prayed in tongues. After those ten minutes, spend another ten listening. Amen.. Another power-packed reason to pray in tongues is that it reminds us that the Holy Spirit is dwelling inside us every minute of every day. I am so thankful for all the resources available to me through this ministry. You have the right to do this! So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. Are you hard pressed for a decision regarding your family, your job, your relationships, or your finances? And the more you learn to recognize and follow His leading of peace, the more youll be equipped to make the right decisions, find yourself at the right place at the right time, and experience His protection. When challenges arise, that reminder will shut down all the outside voices and build our strength to see ourselves as He doesvictorious. Prayer to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Men in the Bible did it and I do it every day. Tongues is strengthening your inner man with divine might. 8:28)! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If you really want to be a spiritual person (one who walks in and with the Holy Spirit), you need to cultivate the habit of speaking in tongues daily. For with stammering lips and another tongue, He will speak to this people, to whom He said, This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest, and, This is the refreshing Isaiah 28:11-12. Moses spoke to God face to face (Exodus 33:11) and when he came down from the mountain his face shone with the glory of God. If you have made Jesus your Lord and Savior, rest assured you qualify for this gift. Speaking in tongues is very powerful & productive gift! That is the reason why Paul was thankful that he prayed in tongues more than anyone among his contemporaries. When God created man, He gave him all types of freedom but man lost them to the devil. The Spirit desires to lead many believers, which is an essential part of His ministry, but many are not able to get His leading because they fail to pray as they should. Praise God and thank you Pastor Price for your work in the kingdom, Blessings in The Name of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 (AMPC) informs, For if I pray in an [unknown] tongue, my spirit [by the Holy Spirit within me] prays, but my mind is unproductive [it bears no fruit and helps nobody]. I. Youll find that you will have joy, peace, love and power in a new dimension.. The reason why everyone who has ever been baptized with the Holy Spirit initially speaks in tongues, is because it is the prayer language. We are praying for you, and look forward to hearing your praise report! If a gun was put on my head and I was asked if I have ever seen angels, I would say yes. 2021 Katie Souza Ministries - All Rights Reserved. It is not just a one-time manifestation, but a permanent gift given when the believer who receives baptism in the Spirit, and is thereafter at the believer's disposal. Salvation prayer. "Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret." (1 Corinthians 14:13) H. Engage your mind in prayer and meditation as you pray in the spirit. Enoch was taken up to Heaven by his faith. You need to keep your mind focused while you are praying in your holy language. Say, I am going to do this, and BAM, it happens. 8:26). The mystery of praying in tongues is that God designed it to be a supernatural language. We do not understand why God chose this method of prayer, but as with other things in Gods Word that we do not understand with the natural mind, they remain truths none the less. For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries., From this we can see that when one speaks in tongues, he is not speaking to men, but to God. Therefore tongues is a face to face encounter with God. Verse 1 begins: Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. 14. Hallelujah! It is a blessing to me. If you are empty you cannot impart people. You are fortifying your inner man. If you know how important prayer is to your life as a Christian, you will not only pray, you will help others pray. Thank you, thank you, thank you. But there is one specifically encouraged biblical type of praying in the Spirit, and that is praying in tongues.Come read about the blessings that follow from this biblical practice.. Ephesians 6:18-19 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Lo and behold, the cyst had reduced in size to 15mm! !God Bless A million times.! I nourish myself each with the truth and appropriate myself with the promises of the lord. It is a blessing to me. Praying in tongues is a tremendous weapon available to us as Christians. Some believers, mostly those who serve in church, excel at praying during the day. If youve never prayed or spoken in tongues before but would like to, let me lead you in a simple prayer to receive this gift. KY 40259. I do it until I feel better. It had a profound impact on the Charismatic Renewal in the Lutheran church as well as in other circles. Use your faith and it can happen for you too! When it comes to speaking in tongues, the benefits of praying in tongues for hours. Over the years, I have practiced the gift of praying in tongues and every minute of doing it is worth it. Heed the words of John G Lake when he said, I want to talk with the utmost frankness and say to you, that tongues have been the making of my ministry. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Box 197777 A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally, but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church. 1 Corinthians 14:4. Their prayer releases great power into their spirits to make them strong. It had shrunk by half in two months! This is why I love the song, "If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again! Nowhere in this chapter does Paul recommend doing away with this gift of the Holy Spirit; instead he deals with correcting the problem. The table at which he sat was littered with papers, but at this precise moment he had leaned back in his chair with a puzzled expression and his left hand in . Im super excited youre here! Start believing that as you pray in tongues, your body is also getting rejuvenated and repaired. Thus, we have some occult groups today who actually handle poisonous serpents in their rituals. So [to conclude], my brethren, earnestly desire and set your hearts on prophesying (on being inspired to preach and teach and to interpret Gods will and purpose), and do not forbid or hinder speaking in [unknown] tongues. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Im wanting and believing to ascend and thank you for mentioning to decree certain scriptures before then. To magnify something means to make it greater and bigger, to increase its significance. The greatest thing that causes confusion over tongues is not realizing that there are two kinds of speaking in tongues: one that is given to all who desire it and are baptized in His Spirit; the other is a ministry gift mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:30. Beloved, whether you have been discouraged by a bad medical report, a long-term health condition, or you are suffering from panic attacks and depression, give it all to the Lord and let His Spirit repair and restore your body and mind. Due to the commotion that tongues has raised in the body of Christ, many people would just as soon do away with it. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen! Anytime you pray in unknown tongues, you expand the capacity of your spirit. Jewish & Christian scriptures, science facts, safety & reminder tips, cuisine, sports, books, art, music, movies, TV. . I have found this to be true in my own life. I never knew he plays piano. 3. Stay up to date on Katies latest reflections, revelations, events and resources! Praying in tongues for long hours is a good practice. It helps you to be more sensitive to God's Spirit and His presence. Your spirit needs to be revived again and again. When you pray in the Spirit, you release rivers of His wisdom, supply, and healing into your situations. First, we have morning people. I have the legal right to go up! The blood of Jesus gives you the legal right to go up and just like these men: Moses, Aaron, and John the Revelator, decree, I am a man (mankind) and I can go up too, because I have the legal right to do so!, Activate your faith. Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15,For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. Afterward, I realized I could not feel any Glory! Joseph Prince Ministries 2021. Maybe youre facing a health challenge or dealing with a prolonged chronic condition in your body. The more hopeless I feel about life, the deeper I launch into speaking in tongues. Tongues: I too can pray in the spirit and switch between different tongues. This book is a toolfor the believer and minister, equipping them to fix lifes problems. 5. In Verse 21, Paul quotes a verse from Isaiah 28:11, "For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.". Dont be disheartened if it differs from the tongues of other believers or sounds monosyllabic at first. Thank you for your prayers. I am so very excited about this Digital Magazine!! Jesus proclaimed several things that would happen to those who followed Him and continued His work. As such, I only needed to return once a year for a check-up. That we all begin to pray in tongues for 10 - 15 mins a day and come back to this thread and post testimonies of our experiences of what doors God has opened. Then balance it with the vigor of your tongues. There are many things that praying in tongues can do in the life of the individual believer, and in the corporate life of a gathering of believers or the Church. I would pray in tongues during my quiet time as you taught us to. Now, this is the . I have spent thousands of hours since I was fourteen praying in the spirit. 99. did not know that when you feel his presence you have the right to decree, now I understand as we are sited in heavenly places with him and its our right. I have worship DVDs that have subtitles and I read the subtitles while I am praying in tongues. True, there are false gifts of tongues from the devil, and several occult groups practice them. Weve learned that water is a picture of the Holy Spirit (John 7:3839), but why a shield of water? God does not do a thing without a purpose, neither does He do a thing just so He can show-off in order to impress. You have no business with high blood pressure and similar health issues if you are given to this wonderful habit of speaking in tongues daily. Thank you for the blessing of this wonderful online magazine. The world we live in is full of trouble. Praying for long hours came naturally to Him. Very good and an eye opener for me. The ministry of the Holy Spirit has a lot of heavens blessings for the Church. I quit college just to speak in tongues. You only know it as you begin to walk with God, but the knowledge of it is not enough. It does not store any personal data. Hence, we may pray with limited knowledge or understanding about the situation. We knew it was "Our Year to Soar in 2004," yet at the beginning of this year, we were faced as a church with . 9. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Houston, TX, or your country if outside USA. The daily habit of speaking in tongues supplies strength and supernatural energy which enables you to overcome discouragements, disappointments, weighty concerns, and other emotional issues. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". It kept on and through that I started prophesying over our family and infact my whole body was sweating the was my first encounter with the tongues speaking.. Donate. The Bible has to remain the standard of truth. The devil is a liar and I know Jesus has healed me! Listen to a single verse or a selection of inspirational verses. While praying in tongues, I let my mind wander for 15 minutes. The Rosary- All Mysteries. . 8:2627 NLT). In this case, the Glory exploded on me! If we are to walk in victory, we need to seek the Lord and ask Him not only for this gift, but for all that is available to us as His children. I wondered what continuing to pray in tongues would do. Therefore we do not lose heart. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will be in you and with you, speaking about His indwelling and His manifest presence. Some other passages to read include Acts 10: 46a, Acts 2: 4a, and 1 . When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit Himself teaches you all things. You get edified, improved, stronger and more able. Today I can say I have reduced those debts and paid off in full the biggest one- yes, my mortgage has been paid in full. I have had countless prompts to pray in the evening. You Can't Be Catholic and a Democrat. Speaking in tongues is one of those gifts, and it allows Jesus followers to stand against the work of the enemy. If you need motivation to pray in tongues for long hours, you can listen to the sessions or any other speaking in tongues video. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will be in you and with you, speaking about His indwelling and His manifest presence. Beloved, God hasnt forgotten about you, neither does He want you to face your problem alone. According to 48 Hills online publication, SRO Martha Stewart said the homeless Black woman known as "Q" who was water-hosed was "taken away" on a "5150," an involuntary mental hold, where a psychiatrist can hold somebody in the hospital for 72 hours and forcibly medicate them with powerful psychotropic drugs if they are "deemed . The following testimony is submitted by Pastors Russell & Barbara Plilar of Seedtime & Harvest Church of San Diego, California. Only for the encouragement & sharing the article Bible tells us that prayed. And appropriate myself with the promises of the Holy Spirit ( Jude 20 ) reduced in to! ( Jude 20 ) yes, they will be able to speak praying in tongues for 48 hours tongues for hours! Job, your relationships, or your finances & sharing the article tongues and every minute of doing it worth! Im wanting and believing to ascend and thank you for the medical report believing that as you in... 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