Hes at venutis in Addison. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame'' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. All of the odd numbered Teams (1, 3, 5, and 7) are based in Coronado, CA. Seriously, how would you know if a guy was someones swim buddy? He seems to be making up quite a bit of stuff.'. 12/30/22 00:08:15 Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Charles A. In August, FBI agents arrested Nolan in Virginia Beach. He is originally from Bayamon, Puerto Rico and appears . Lee, one of 149 surviving Medal of Honor recipients and the only one who lives in Hampton Roads, said he does not recall receiving a letter from Stern. A faker better know most of the obstacles regardless. Randy Everette, Medal of Honor sleuth, was on the case. The masquerade surfaced in February when an organization that exposes SEAL imposters posted his name on its Internet ``Wall of Shame.'. If you need more info, just let me know. In des plaines. Hi John can you check your email please. Do you know when Class 165 graduated? This is one I had actually never heard of until now. There were no SEALs back then but the part about getting USN put on that granite slab is 100% true. By Dan Noyes via. Dude while we celebrate and remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice you makeup a complete lie, you should be arrested and thrown in jail and fine. www.phonyseals.com has over 100 Phony Navy SEAL of the Week videos and many never seen before.. CyberSEALs has verified that Nolan and six others are imposters and have added their names to the ``Wall of Shame.' A website dedicated to exposing fake SEALs had given him a five-star rating on its "Wall of Shame," its most ignoble designation, meaning the "claimant is 'incorrigible' and continues to make.The officer version of an Enlisted Pararescue is the Combat Rescue Officer (CRO). I wanted to bitch slap him before we would close up and clean up and he would brag about meeting her on Thursday and Fridays and couldnt wait to meet up with her, Being happily married for 5 years and about to have my second child that would make me sick to my stomach knowing how much I love my wife and family and would like to know what he was feeding this women to fool her like he did to everyone else. I will follow up on if he repents his evil ways This bitch deserves a beating also. Kent W. Ewing was skipper of the America when Nolan served there a decade ago. In fact, those odds are 1,000 to 1 in my favor. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but theres a good chance hes a phony SEAL. As I mentioned earlier, there are 4 teams in Coronado (1, 3, 5, and 7), and 4 teams in Little Creek, Virginia (2, 4, 8, and 10). So how exactly do you check to see if someone was a Navy SEAL? Kind of tarnishes your accuracy. Incline Wall The classes got t-shirts later than the early 70s. Fake Navy Seals Wall Of Shame Customize Card + Wishlist Add to Cart. Again, hes wearing a SEAL Team Four shirt. I just want to know if he did attend these trainings and did he become a SEAL also. You can easily find this information online, Ive put links to search each in the references box below. A woman said bluntly that she ``will not marry a liar.'. Arrowood had been a SEAL. Like red, gold, June 28, 2005: 19 Americans died including 11, 363 shares England's Lionesses put Love Island's preening prima donnas to, Consider carefully the added cost of advice, Use past performance only to determine consistency and risk, It's futile to predict the economy and interest rates, You have plenty of time to identify and recognize exceptional companies, Good management is very important - buy good businesses, Be flexible and humble, and learn from mistakes, Before you make a purchase, you should be able to explain why you are buying. Thats what I call a loser and his wife should know. He said he has read about men who make false claims of wartime heroism, some even posing as Medal of Honor recipients. This penasaurus probably couldnt make it thru a week of Air Force basic..or any other service. -R. Robbins (172). Sneaky shit. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, that has been through the O-course as many times as a trainee has will know the names of EVERY obstacle on the course. More info. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. As far as the teams are concerned these individuals are persona non gratis. As Everette checked out the car parked in the Woodberry Forest apartment complex in Virginia Beach on an autumn afternoon, two men approached. There really isnt anything else you need to do or check otherwise. Good thing Paul votes and encourages others to do the same. Search: Isis Killing Video Gore. It surely is a bad idea to annoy the Navy and an even worse one to annoy a Navy SEAL. Posted on Dec 31st, 2018, 3:32 PM The UN children's agency said they documented a number of cases of IS fighters killing the children of families trying to flee militant-held neighbourhoods in Mosul This trailer is about terrorism in America Irvine spoke about new terrorist threats and ASIO's capacity to deal with them Man thrown to his death from Everette has posted the bios of nearly five dozen would-be Medal of Honor winners on his Internet ``Hall of Shame.' One way to prove whether or not someone was a Navy SEAL is to do a FOIA request. One-time CIA operative. The Virginia Beach company Nolan founded, OmniTrade International Inc., signed contracts to sell millions of dollars worth of goods such as food and construction materials in Egypt, said Stephen Steinhilber, a former Nolan business associate and Virginia Beach restaurateur. (see stolen valor). They will be able to tell you what branch of the military the individual signed up for, the date he entered and left, and what exactly he did while serving. They are eventually caught and embarrassed. What a pussy he needs his ass kicked by someone anyone that can find him. The Duke of New York. Amazingly, he shut the hell up and tried to change the subject. BTW, Don Shipley just verified a guy from the class right before you. Sometimes people miss the was NOT and lock in on SEAL but i do my best to keep the 2 separate. His fat ass bitch of a wife as he would say will have some questions for him and I hope his cheating thing is exposed with the neighbor. Charles A. Moeller, USN-Ret.' No true operator would diss the other services in public. Truly amazing how much time and effort these guys put into these fake profiles. On top of that, there are no publicly available records of BUD/S classes by year, or rosters for that matter. However, in 2017 Shipley actually moved off of youtube to his own site, videos.extremesealexperience.com. ``This has been tearing me apart,' he said. Was he the one that actually fired the fatal shot? Id check with the UDT/SEAL Association, heres their website: https://udtseal.org/. If you really want to know for sure, get in touch with Don Shipley. Many of the tales he has told bespeak . 17. 91 Bravo-Combat Medic Also, if I was a gonna order a drink where they put a cherry in it, I would leave the SEAL shirt at home. Paul would give advice on workouts, on the life of a Navy SEAL, etc Military Phonies was contacted by someone inquiring about Pauls SEAL claims. 16. Your email address will not be published. I had a brother who died in a motorcycle accident in July of 87. I was so disgusted by this wanna-be John Wayne, by the time I scrolled down to the videos posted here, the thought of actually hearing anything out of this losers mouth was just too much to bear. Graduate of the U.S. 9. Weaver The rock of shame is a large rock (boulder, really) that has the names of specific members of the Navy SEALs. Paul has made himself out to look like a fool and will always be known as someone that has never accomplished much of anything other thana fabricated story. . Heres a full list of all of the obstacles on the Navy SEAL O-course in order from start to finish: 1. etc. which would have been accurate in 1990-1991. FITH. They may take a ride on them to get to their area of operations, but they do not become a part of the ships company. 12. However, Stolen Valour points out he previously claimed to have retired from the USMC in 1985, before any conflicts involving North America ever took place in Afghanistan. Don should have sent you a letter of verification, which is as good as gold. Then you can use some color to make the kitchen pop . He used the same bullshit that I just read. I recently moved to Boston and was floored but not to surprised when I received a text from someone I know back in Chicago about this website. They have a "wall of shame" webpage and you can now research someone's claim with a minimum of fuss, muss, and bother. And Freedom of Information requests filed with the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis and the Navy Personnel Command in Millington, Tenn. turned up the same result: Charles A. Moeller never served in the Navy. He knew his colleague was an imposter. Balance Logs Contacted by phone recently, Moeller refused to discuss claims he may have made about being a SEAL or a decorated veteran. Some people started making comments and stating they felt he was a BS artist. 1: the second obstacle on the O course used to be a stump jump (10 diameter logs sticking up out of the sand between 2 to 4 in the air. Between 1947 and 2013, only 3,208 people had successfully qualified as a US Air Force Pararescue, with approximately 500 serving members in 2013 (Kendall, 2013).On average, only 15%-20% of personnel will graduate from the Pararescue training pipeline. Robbie has been listed as a fraud and resigned from the VFW. When a Scandinavian businessman demanded that Nolan pay a $63,000 debt, Nolan told the businessman he had been a member of the special forces with the U.S. military, according to testimony by an FBI agent who investigated Nolan. We hired a contractor, Henry Samuel Breiner, Jr.,to renovate our house in September 2018 because he claimed to be a Navy SEAL, he even had a SEAL tattoo on his forearm. .. Ashman insists that he did apologize to Arrowood and said he does not recall Arrowood asking him to set the record straight with his students. Paul invites people into the group since, you know he was a former Navy SEAL and all. 19. I was in the aspiring seal group on Facebook. any way you can verify if JAMES KRAUSE, age approx. Some claim to have been with special operations forces, such as SEALs, Rangers and Green Berets. Last weekend, Everette posted Moeller's name on his Internet site's ``Hall of Shame' for allegedly making false claims that he was a Medal of Honor recipient. It was tough finding enough men to join the service during the Vietnam war, and the Navy SEALs were no exception. He used to say how he deserved to be someone with special treatment for what he said was for being a hero and a seal to the end. I remember him telling me that he was training to be a navy seal. Special Note: The only exception to this that Im aware of is that Navy SEAL corpsman in Vietnam did NOT need to attend / graduate from BUD/S. Detached with them to the Caribbean for a year. 13. Jim Gilmore and Attorney General Mark Earley, Sen. George Allen and U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, lauding his business accomplishments. Each week he (and sometimes his wife Diane) call up phony Navy SEALs and confront them about their claims. Its such a treacherous course that even active-duty SEALs sometimes use it as part of their deployment workups. As word of the Web site and. Not all people who say they were recruited, but did not serve as a SEAL are full of it. As far as Im aware the only ones recruited in this way were SEAL corpsman in the Vietnam war. If so I feel sorry for this guy. With that said, if you want 100% proof, get in touch with Don Shipley. He had also forged his landlord's signature on a lease and falsified his military discharge papers and documents needed to export fish to Egypt, the papers claim. As word of the Web site and its. Yeah the only way youll be able to get info on that would be to contact the Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) in San Diego and do a FOIA request. I have two brothers that served and literally wanted to know after reading his bullshit where he lives. There is a dog trainer in Brooklyn NY named Charles Henderson who always states he was in BUDs in 1987 Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training Class 146 Special Warfare Once they pass Hell Week, they are given brown T-Shirts. While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics. Before the outbreak, she became a journalist in order to interview several individuals and document their personal stories. Sure, if he says he was in Class 2 Zero Bravo or Class 899 (which will graduate in about 200 years), then you know hes likely a phony. The USN stopped flying combat missions in 1973 although, an aircraft carrier remained on station until 1975. All SEALs pay serious attention to detail, and would be very difficult to imagine one making a spelling error such as that. There were no covert missions in Central America. ATTN: FOIA Office In addition to Nolan, would-be SEALs with local ties include a schoolteacher, a former Secret Service agent, a car dealer, a merchant seaman, an NROTC officer candidate, a real estate agent, a limousine driver, active-duty military members, men who have never served in any branch of the armed forces, and barroom and chat-room poseurs. ``And I'm glad you are.'. The Used to Be Phony Navy SEAL. Thanks, Protecting the Valor of those who have defended our freedom, Paul Puccillo Fake Navy SEAL, Blog of Shame, John William Zelenock, BUD/S Graduate, Fake SEAL, Anthony Gordon Phony Vietnam Veteran, Blog of Shame, Paul Puccillo; phony SEAL : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here, Richard Elmer Johnson US Army, US Marine SNCO, Purple Heart, POW, Blog of Shame, Theodore James Kosin US Army SGT, Purple Heart, DSM, Two Tours in Afghanistan, Blog of Shame, Leslie R. Coward U.S. Navy SEAL, U.S. Army CIB, Blog of Shame, Jose Carlos Montanez Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame, Thomas William Cole US Army SGT, Two Purple Hearts, Operation Urgent Fury, Blog of Shame. Dean C. Ashman said it all began innocently around 1995, and his motives were purely altruistic. My records are only accessible to the POTUS. It surely is a bad idea to annoy the Navy and an even worse one to annoy a Navy SEAL. I feel very betrayed by Paul for mentoring me on stuff he had no idea about. R. T. P. Woolard addressed this in an article he wrote for The Blast some years back. Wait until the mother fer is dead and check on his headstone. I have nothing but contempt for the piece of crap Ive just been reading about. As of January 2020, there have been a total of 336 SEAL classes that have completed BUD/S training. Would like someone to verify someone for me please. And I spoke with him this morning super chill/humble guy! Related Article: 17 Famous Navy SEALs (and 3 Controversial Ones). Might be a family owned place where he bartends. Parallel Bars 3. Related Article BUD/S Class 234: Where Are They Now? He is a shameless self promoter, exaggerator and at times outright liar about certain claims. . Works friday nights for sure. If Covid restrictions are relaxed, well be gathering for our 50th reunion in June at Little Creek. ', ``That was the most profound thing I've ever heard,' Schantag said. But Schantag, a former Marine, cares little about the psychological makeup of fake military heroes. (I wasnt a SEAL). Call is the They're everywhere. Part 4 BENJAMIN CRAIG SLAMAN the Fox News CIA SEAL Jerkoff Dude. High Wall 5. He acted like a bad ass to intimidate people. With the proliferation of bogus UFO and military documents in the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. . I just looked up his name in the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor, which lists all Purple Heart recipients since World War 1. A lot of this is correct, however in 1972 we wore green t-shirts, not white. That changed when some tard missed a stump and tore his satchel wide open after landing crotch first on one of the taller stumps. Well, as it turns out, no.he wasnt. Its gotten so bad that some estimates put it at 1,000 phony SEALs for every 1 real SEAL. SEALs arent stationed on ships. Command Master Chief former Navy Seal Steve Viola learned in his deepest and darkest times that there two ways of doing things: the right way and again. Several other obstacles were added but probably torn down or replaced. Lee, then a Marine captain, led several members of his company on a bloody and daring mission that began Aug. 8 and did not end until the next day. If you were to question a potentially fake Navy SEAL, you could simply pose it as a curiosity-like question. On average, only 20 25% of BUD/S candidates successfully complete the training. Let's make an official SOA phony list: These are scumbags identified by SOA or friendly, identifiable allies who help us track down phonies and name them to the fucking wall of shame. Cargo Net 7. ``He told me, `Surviving that was the easy part. Organizations that expose imposters say claims by bogus Rambos with enhanced military resumes have reached epidemic levels. Hell start dropping the SEAL bomb, and if you ask him what Team he was assigned to, he may say something like I was over at Team 2 in San Diego. Capt. the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. His Afghanistan storys didnt seem like it was something you would tell people. Robert Ray Alexander. Paul Puccillo comes to us from Wheeling, IL. Moeller's claims prompted complaints to Everette, who maintains the Medal of Honor Web site, and to CyberSEALs. He lives in Arlington Heights, Illinois and is renting there someplace. Paul, we have some bad news for you, SEALs do not refer themselves as naval commandos. Bulls$%t. . Low Wall Weak and starving, the POW choked the dog with his bare hands, then ate the animal's flesh raw. Ever since the raid on UBLs compound, there has been an epidemic of guys claiming they were Navy SEALs, when in fact they arent. Hey Owl, FOLLOW AND LIKE US --> EXTREME SEAL EXPERIENCE 5701 Bar Neck Rd Cambridge, MD 21613 PHONE: 757-572-7203 Navigation Menu . July 29, 1967 while on the deck and in his plane on the carrier U. It costs only $20, and he will also issue you a verification letter that states whether or not the person was ever a SEAL. Email: [emailprotected]. He said he was screwing his neighbor since he moved into Arlington Heights last year, meeting her at hotels and bars when we got off work and used to brag about it all the time, saying how easy it was to get away with it. No such thing. Phone: 619-537-1133 Hooyah Logs Theyll say they have an Accommodation metal, instead of a Commendation Medal. He is a 2 time felon i found out after doing a background check and he even lied about hos age. There's always something to worry about - do you know what it is? ``I had some students that were very, very marginal,' Ashman said. Hes legit. He should just be proud of what he actually did in the military and come clean and stop the fib. Yeah you dont need to post his name here. Ashman had not. Rob V., you need to take a minute and think carefully about what you are doing, here. Its pretty simple. ``If he had, we could have settled this just between us. He took her to Coronado and was yelling at new recruits. 10. Nolan, referring to the businessman and his colleagues, said, ``They better stay out of the United States because they didn't know who they were messing with,' the agent testified. ', Arrowood reported Ashman to CyberSEALs. KGO. Just info to let you know I have personal knowledge. Slide For Life Continued on to quote scenes from the Charlie Sheen/ Michael Bien movie Navy Seals. Doc is one of the most decorated SEALs of the Vietnam War, with 2 Bronze Stars and 5 Purple Hearts. Real Navy SEAL exposes imposter. I am so glad someone caught this imagine the lies he would of continued with hurting people and acting like an actual soldier or hero like the ones that actually serve and are away from their families I dont get pieces of shit like Paul Puccillo the problem is there are many like him out there. I got a return email, but if theres an actual letter, that would be nice to have. He passed away 5 years ago. I wonder how his family feels about his lies; does his wife look at him differently or did she suspect all along it was little more than a fairy tale. 5. He has NO clue what hes talking about, hes pulling crap out of his butt. But he did not provide the name. Hooyah Logs 9. Jose Carlos Montanez - Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame. I got the impression here that he was involved in the insurance business. Paul doesnt work at little villa anymore. In fact, Id rather you not for the very reason you stated (i.e. Henry Jr was born Pa by his own admission. ``He uses this claim for gain at our place of employment,' wrote a co-worker. As word of the Web site and its mission spreads, the list grows. wow. 10-4 thanks. They have a "wall of shame" webpage and you can now research. Try as we may to find his records, the United States Navy seems to have no idea who he is. Is there anyway that I can find out anything about that? On its ``Wall of Shame,' CyberSEALs says Nolan claimed to be a member of Seal teams 2 and 6. 6. Not sure when or why that changed, but I do remember a bunch of people getting the callous torn on that one because of being wet for so long and the skin was soft. In addition, the current BUD/S class is somewhere in the mid 340s, meaning BUD/S class 416 wont graduate for another 14 years or so. Sure enough, here was his reply: Gary never served in Naval Special Warfare. He ``claims his body is a registered lethal weapon. Someone commented about him having a girlfriend that was the only thing that came out of the posers mouth that sounded legit sad to say when he would ramble on about his pathetic life with a fat ass bitch wife. He is the brother of Los Angeles Chargers tight end Virgil Green Professional career Jacksonville Jaguars. Burma Bridge He lied to his family, he lied to many young men looking to become a SEAL. Not only is it unethical, but in many cases its actually illegal. Quick Note: For a few years (early 70s-ish), BUD/S classes were designated like the other training classes in the Navy. If youve make it this far, you might want to check out some of our other content regarding SEALs: Navy SEAL Cadence: A List Of The 10 Most Popular SEAL Running Cadences, Delta Force vs. Navy SEALs: Differences In Training, Selection, and More, https://www.draeger.com/en-us_us/Federal-Government/Applications/Military/Military-Special-Operations/Military-Diving, Navy Medal Of Honor, Navy Cross, and Silver Star recipients:https://valor.defense.gov/. A former SEAL himself, Shipley used to run a Youtube channel called Phony Navy SEAL Of The Week. Great comments gents. If he is going to make up stuffwe expected better than this. Paul Puccillo comes to us fromWheeling, IL. cv. Yeah I think all you need to do is ask him to send you one and he will. The color of the helmet is different for each phase: If the guy youre talking to cant answer a simple question like what color was your 2nd phase helmet?, then he likely wasnt a SEAL. With the proliferation of bogus UFO and military documents in the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. Schantag, the Missourian who uncovers POW frauds, tells of the ``dog-bone man,' an imposter from Arkansas who tried to impress women with a fanciful story of escape from a Vietnam prison. FT BENNING JUMP SCHOOL 1985. After contacting the UDT/SEAL archives and checking the UDT/SEAL database we found that there is NO record of Paul Puccilloeverbeing or training to become a Navy SEAL. Where is the bell at the BUD/S training center anyway?. He `` claims his body is a 2 time felon i found out after doing a background and... Age approx minute and think carefully about what you are. ' know of... July of 87 combat missions in 1973 although, an aircraft carrier remained on station until 1975 there always... From start to finish: 1. etc `` he told me, ` Surviving that was the easy.! 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Frank Lampard Children,