Carefully tracking payments is an important and helpful way to help minimize compliance risks. The purchase of such equipment may be more appropriate in circumstances where the child care provider will use it for additional technology-based learning or recreational activities in the child care program beyond virtual school instruction. Section 658P(4) of the Act indicates that, for purposes of eligibility for CCDF subsidies, an eligible child includes a child who is receiving, or needs to receive, protective services (in addition to children of parents who are working or attending training/education). KidKare is a comprehensive record keeping program that includes an accounting section that allows you to keep track of all your income and expenses. In addition, states may use CCDF to subsidize child care services for school-age children (up to age 13) that provide care and supervision in situations where schools are not otherwise providing in-person instruction and an outside source pays for instructional services that are delivered in-person in the child care setting. In cases where a lead agency includes Head Start programs in their ARP Act stabilization subgrants, lead agencies should ensure that CCDF funds do not duplicate Head Start funds and prioritize child care programs that are in need of financial relief and have received comparatively fewer resources during the COVID-19 public health emergency. ACF has prioritized continuity of care, as demonstrated by the graduated phase-out policy. In addition, expenses for this purpose are reported on the ACF-696 of ACF-696T CCDF Financial Reports under the non-direct services for systems expenditures, which are not subject to the five percent cap on administrative expenditures (45 CFR 98.54(b)(1)). Program highlights follow below. Thus, a policy that terminates the receipt of the subsidy at redetermination for a child who is otherwise eligible is inconsistent with the law and the rule. These funds, which have different flexibilities and restrictions from regular CCDF funds, can be used to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic while carrying out the activities of CCDF programs. In each monthly submission, you will complete two sections: NOTICE: All CCSG providers must now use the NEW monthly reportlaunched beginning with the grant award for September 2022. This funding is subject to the same tax rules as regular CCDF funding. Child care providers that are receiving stabilization subgrants from a tribal lead agency must be serving at least one Indian child but are not restricted from receiving stabilization subgrants from a tribal lead agency if they also serve non-Indian children or have received a stabilization subgrant from a state. The lead agency may also choose to use funds provided by the CRRSAVisit disclaimer page to cover copayments for all eligible families. The request must also provide sufficient detail on the provision(s) from which the Lead Agency is seeking temporary relief and how relief from the sanction or provision, by itself, will improve the delivery of child care services for children and families. Effective August 2022, all CCSG Monthly Reporting of expenditures will be based on the seven categories listed below: Please review the CCSG Reporting Guide for more details. You may request assistance from a member of our grants team by filling out the inquiry form below: To contact a member of our grants team, please email The following examples are meant to illustrate the different ways in which a family child care provider might utilize the grant and the tax implications of each scenario. 9858k(b)(1) and 45 CFR 98.56(c)(1). Yes, tribal lead agencies may use the entirety of their ARP Act stabilization funds on construction and major renovation. The grants cannot be used for new construction or major renovations. In other words, there is nothing in the CARES Act that specifically exempts CCDF CARES Act funding from taxation. States and territories were instructed to include these policies in the FY 2022-2024 CCDF Plans due on July 1, 2021. Now, thanks to passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the child care sector will receive a total of more than $50 billion in direct relief funding. The Child Care Workforce Stabilization grants supply funding to help child care providers recruit and retain qualified employees as the industry recovers from the pandemic. OCC encourages tribal lead agencies to include center-based and family child care programs outside of their CCDF program, as well as programs that serve school-age children. It would be OCCs expectation that Lead Agencies would employ this flexibility only on a temporary basis for the period of the public health emergency related to COVID-19. In order to serve children outside of the service area established by the child count and the CCDF Plan, a Tribe would need to submit a CCDF Plan amendment to change its service area, and the new service area would have to be on or near the reservation. While lead agencies should be aware of obligation and liquidation requirements for the other COVID-19 related funding (i.e., under the CARES Act and CRRSA Act), lead agencies are strongly encouraged to obligate their ARP Act stabilization grant funds quickly to ensure they reach providers in need and protect the existing child care market. See the funding breakdown by state, tribe and territory, and more information about the grant on the White House American Rescue Plan Funding Fact Sheet. If the payment occurs via direct deposit, record the amount and date of the received payment, as well as the destination account for the funds received. FAQs under this heading discuss stabilization subgrants and supplemental funding in relation to Tribal-specific flexibilities. It is important that Lead Agencies have a plan in place to perform essential functions and achieve programmatic continuity during and after an emergency or disaster for families receiving CCDF benefits. As noted in 45 CFR 98.16(cc), Lead Agencies must provide descriptions in their CCDF Plans of (1) internal controls to ensure integrity and accountability; (2) processes to investigate and recover fraudulent payments and to impose sanctions on clients or providers in response to fraud; and (3) procedures to document and verify eligibility, pursuant to 45 CFR 98.68. For tax purposes, she should reserve a portion of the grant amount to go toward her taxes. We encourage family child care providers to contact a tax advisor about what should and should not be reported as part of ones AGI. A: No! In those circumstances, the ARP funds would not affect an individuals annual income used to calculate the individuals portion of rent. No, a budget is not required as part of the application. Therefore, this funding is subject to the same tax rules as regular CCDF funding. However, ACF strongly recommends that Lead Agencies first consult with their jurisdictions public health agency, seek advice on how best to proceed, and coordinate any actions. Any program that has closed permanently is not eligible to receive continued grant funding. Child care providers also may not involuntarily furlough employees employed on the date of submission of the application. Q: Would you need a separate account to pay yourself? The child cannot receive academic credit towards graduation solely for participating in the tutoring or academic support itself, pursuant to 42 USC 9858k(b)(2) and 45 CFR 98.56(c)(2). a Are the grant funds taxable? View Additional Policy Resources on the Office of Child Care site. OCC encourages child care providers to provide relief from tuition and copayments, if financially possible, especially for low-income families. However, child care providers are not required to provide relief from copayments and tuition for families in their care during the ARP Act stabilization subgrant period. The provider can indicate the preferred method in LEAD. Deducting income before calculating a providers current operating expense as part of determining a subgrant award amount undermines the purpose of the ARP Act stabilization subgrants. Per CCDF regulations, assets can be self-certified by a member of the household. If a program is awarded funding, they are not eligible to apply for another grant for a period of three years. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . You will always be better off financially after taking a grant, even if it increases your taxes. Providers who served children receiving subsidies from the following programs in March 2021 will be eligible for a $600 per-child stipend: CalWORKs Stages One, Two (C2AP) and Three (C3AP) Alternative Payment Programs (CAPP) including Migrant Alternative Payment Programs (CMAP) General Child Care and Development Programs (CCTR) Your regional office can help provide support for submitting these waiver requests. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Lead agencies should balance the need to collect information necessary to ensure funds are being spent correctly and not overly burdening providers. The CCSG application is now closed. Finally, Lead Agencies must inspect child care providers for compliance with fire, health, and safety standards in accordance with 45 CFR 98.42. Further, providers caring for infants must be aware of, and responsive to, parents who choose to breastfeed while their child is in care (e.g., by making arrangements such as providing space specifically for this purpose). These funds will help early childhood and child care providers keep their doors open and continue to provide these essential services that are critical for a strong economic recovery and a more equitable future. A conservative estimate would be to assume 15 percent for social security/Medicare plus 15 percent federal income tax and about 10 percent for state and local income tax, for a total of 40 percent or $1,400. A: Maybe, depending on how much of the grant you dont spend on business items. Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3)/ Child Care Stabilization Grants, contact the Department of Early Education and Care, Personnel costs, benefits, premium pay, and, Rent or mortgage payments, utilities, facilities maintenance and improvements, or insurance, Personal protective equipment, testing supplies, cleaning and sanitation supplies and services, or, Structural changes to the foundation, roof, floor exterior, or load-bearing walls of a facility, Extension of a facility to increase its floor area. Subgrant amounts should reflect the significant resources included in the ARP ActVisit disclaimer page and be substantial enough to stabilize struggling child care providers. These funds give them a lifeline at the perfect time. Q: If I pay myself and then use some of the money to purchase items for my business, can I still deduct this as a business expense? The Child Care Relief Fund Technical Assistance Team can be reached by emailing or calling 1-833-613-3192. Contact your state for the answer. Some states have decided to be very lenient in how they distribute funds, some have a rigid set of regulations, and some have yet to decide how theyll give out these funds. The terms included in the Act are broad, and lead agencies have the flexibility to define them. Federal law defines income for SNAP. A: Yes. Personnel costs, including payroll and salaries or similar compensation for an employee (including any sole proprietor or independent contractor), employee benefits, premium pay, or costs for employee recruitment and retention. Lead agencies may use their stabilization fund set-asides to carry out activities to increase the supply of child care, especially for historically underserved populations. Child care programs may apply for only one of three grant opportunities. Grant reporting will be completed in the Professional Development (PD) Registry. Lead Agencies have the flexibility to define full-time and part-time rates. 2023 BUILD Initiative. She can deduct these expenses from the taxes she owes, so she will not owe additional taxes if she receives the grant. Each approved program receives a Fixed Costs and Families Grant, based on . Funds can be used for this purpose under "goods and services". Thank you for your website feedback! For example, when each payment is received: What is the Expenditure Tracker tool and how can it be used? ***If you do not submit your monthly report by the deadline, you will not receive the following months grant payment*** For example: If you do not submit the August 2022 report by September 30, 2022, your October 2022 grant payment will be placed on hold and you will not receive that payment until you are compliant with reporting. Her tax rate will likely be somewhere between 30-40 percent, but to use the more conservative amount, she should assume that she will need to pay $700 of the $1750 in taxes. A policy that moves families currently receiving subsidies to a waitlist is in direct opposition to the graduated phase-out policy. Q: If I use the grant for my IRA, can I deduct 100% of this on my taxes? Additionally, the ARP Act gave states significant discretion in determining how the child care stabilization grants would be apportioned to child care providers, and self-employment income and exclusion determinations may vary by options selected by the state. Stipulations for what the funds can be spent on and how to properly report them. If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. Yes, tribal lead agencies are required to limit applications to providers serving Indian children (as defined by the CCDF Plan) from federally recognized tribes. Tribal lead agencies must submit amendments to their current FY 2020-2022 CCDF Plan within 60 days of the effective date of implementation. In order to be a qualified child care provider and eligible to receive a subgrant, a child care provider must either be open to provide child care services or temporarily closed due to public health, financial hardship, or other reasons relating to the COVID-19 public health emergency at the time of application. OCC will not consider construction or major renovation applications for facilities that do not provide direct child care services to children. a Are TDOE regulated programs eligible to apply for funding? Important note: Although there is federal guidance on how the Stabilization grants are to be administered, each state may interpret this guidance slightly differently. Intermediaries are subject to the same obligation and liquidation period for ARP Act stabilization funds regardless of whether those funds are for administering the subgrants or one of the administrative, supply building, or technical assistance activities. Access to safe and reliable child care is the backbone of our economy and essential for employees to get back to work. Stabilization Help Line: 844-863-9319 Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Specifically, providers serving children who receive CCDF services would need to meet requirements for health and safety standards, training, inspections, and background checks. Additional information is available at: A: Yes! How do I get the childcare stabilization grant? We encourage Lead Agencies to take steps to assure that the hazard pay reaches staff actually providing care for those providers. These laws provided a combined $13.5 billion in supplemental CCDF funds to help State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies address COVID-19 impacts, as well as some additional flexibilities for the use of those funds. Providers will not be penalized for temporary closures that occur during the grant period, provided they are open and serving children for at least part of that month. associated with the licensed capacity of 50. Learn about provider eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccination. While the guidance in this response focuses on how ARP stabilization funds impact the eligibility of child care workers for federal benefit programs, the same guidance would apply to funding from regular CCDF funds and supplemental funds provided under the CARES Act, CRRSA Act, and ARP Act, when the funds are used as stabilization grants or similar provider grants/stipends. When receiving multiple streams of funding from EEC and other agencies, it is recommended that child care programs: How can a sole proprietor of an FCC account for and document payments to themselves? You will probably owe no more than 40% of the grant in taxes. Child Care Counts Call Center hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F. Who is 116-127) added a temporary FMAP increase of 6.2 percentage points beginning January 1, 2020, and continuing through the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency period. dollars for the Child Care Stabilization Grants These grants are to provide financial relief to family child care providers and child care centers to cover business costs associated with COVID-19 and to help stabilize their operations This represents a substantial financial benefit to all child care programs! The provider must pay each employee (including lead teachers, aides, and staff that are employed by the child care provider to work in transportation, food preparation, and any other staff that the provider employs), at least the same amount in weekly wages and maintain the same benefits (such as health insurance and retirement, if applicable) for the duration of the grant. CARES Act funds (including those used for construction and major renovation) must be liquidated by September 30, 2023. State SNAP agencies will have to determine on a case-by-case basis what portion, if any, is excludable based on how the providers received the funds and how they are spent. OCC recognizes that tribally operated centers may not need to submit an application to indicate their need for funds because the tribal CCDF program operates the center, but the tribal lead agency is still accountable for assurances about the supplantation requirements and ensuring that the funds are being used for allowable activities. Some activities would be clearly unallowable like using CCDF to pay for teachers employed by the schools during the school day when the school is in session, but many circumstances in the COVID-19 context are more nuanced. Such a record could say, February 23, 2022 - $4,000 pay myself with the Stabilization grant.. The two-year grant period is scheduled to end in September 2023, meaning eligible employees may receive . Family child care providers must report any portion of the stabilization grant that they use to pay themselves as taxable income on their federal and state income tax return (unless their state chooses to make the grant not taxable). English (US) Log in. Child care programs may not furlough any employees while receiving the C3 grant funds. Why does the child care stabilization grant matter? The application process and distribution structure varies from state to state, so check your local government website to confirm application deadlines and important dates. on july 23, 2021, the legislature enacted the child care and development infrastructure grant program, detailed in welfare and institutions code section 10310., a $250 million investment in the child care infrastructure across the state of california that is to be administered in the form of grants by the california department of social services Yes. Furthermore, a child in a family that is receiving, or needs to receive, protective services is eligible for child care subsidies even if the parent is not working or in education or training. If youre a daycare or child care provider, read on to find all of the important program details. A: You arent paying yourself for any particular hours you work. Child care providers may use subgrants to cover a range of expenses such as personnel costs; rent or mortgage payments; insurance; facility maintenance and improvements; personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-related supplies; training and professional development related to health and safety practices; goods and services needed to resume providing care; mental health supports for children and early educators; and reimbursement of costs associated with the current public health emergency. State tax rules apply. Agreements with intermediaries to administer the subgrants must meet CCDF requirements at 45 CFR 98.11Visit disclaimer page(PDF), including that lead agencies retain overall responsibility for the administration of the program and administrative and implementation responsibilities undertaken by the intermediary must be governed by written agreements. No. If a lead agency allows certain limitations to physical access to a child care facility, child care providers who choose to limit physical access should ensure that parents have a way of contacting the child care provider and the ability to see or take their child out of care during regular hours (e.g., some providers bring children to the entrance of the facility to meet parents). This program doesnt just impact parents and childcare providers either. However, lead agencies do have flexibility in defining unlimited access, and we are deferring to lead agency interpretation, as long as it is recognizably reasonable to the average person, as to how to maintain this policy while balancing health and safety concerns related to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency. It is a tool to assist child care providers in tracking expenditures made with C3 grant funds. The deadline for grant applications has now closed. The tax implications of the grants depend on several factors, namely, how the provider uses the funds, the providers household income, and possibly the state in which they live. However, child care providers who receive ACF grants may not use grant funds for costs that are reimbursed or compensated by other federal or state programs, including the Small Business Administrations Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), the Public Health and Social Services Emergency fund, or unemployment compensation. These subgrants are designed to stabilize existing child care businesses, not fund the start-up or reopening of a provider not open for business. A Plan amendment should not create any delay since the Lead Agency may proceed with implementing the program change, and subsequently submit the amendment within 60 days. CRRSA funds (including those used for construction and major renovation) follow CCDF Discretionary funding requirements and must be obligated by September 30, 2022 and liquidated by September 30, 2023. Retaining documentation to support each expenditure (i.e. That said, if a provider is receiving other public benefits based on income eligibility (e.g., health benefits, tax credits, student financial aid) and this grant increases their taxable income to a level that will make them no longer eligible for those benefits, they may need to look very closely at the cost versus the benefit of receiving a stabilization grant. No, there is not a federal limit on the dollar amount of an ARP Act stabilization subgrant. Yes, Lead Agencies may enroll new providers to meet increased demand. Use quality dollars to provide immediate assistance to impacted providers, even if they. Sometimes ARP Act child care stabilization funds are received by child care workers receiving federal housing assistance in such a way that they may be regarded as temporary, nonrecurring, or sporadic payments. Major renovations (which are not allowable) include: Minor building updates or maintenance to the facility and/or grounds that do not change the fundamental structure of the building or alter the function or purpose of the facility (which are allowable). However, when families resume work, it would not be considered an increase to subsequently raise the co-payment to the original amount, provided it does not exceed the amount established at the previous eligibility determination/re-determination. No, child care providers cannot use ARP Act stabilization funds to cover family copayments or tuition. We are sharing the resources below which are designed to support home-based child care providers as they prepare their taxes, including guidance for handling relief funding, including the PPP. Lead agencies are encouraged to include center-based and family child care programs, as well as programs that serve school-age children. If a lead agency chooses to provide stabilization subgrants to child care providers that are not licensed, regulated, or registered and have not previously received child care subsidies but are otherwise eligible to receive CCDF, for example relative providers, lead agencies are encouraged to collect additional details and documentation of operating expenses. Tribal lead agencies may use CCDF funds from more than one funding stream (i.e., Mandatory, Discretionary, Supplemental, or stabilization funds) to fund a construction or major renovation project, as indicted in their application for construction or major renovation ( If after viewing this video and reading these questions and answers, you still have questions, feel free to send me an email at For each month you receive the CCSG award, a monthly report is due by the last day of the month following your previous months expenditures. Lead Agencies unable to meet federal statutory or regulatory CCDF requirements due to COVID-19 impacts may apply for a temporary waiver due to extraordinary circumstances in accordance with 45 CFR 98.19. Applications for the Child Care Stabilization 2.0 for Workforce Supports grant are no longer being accepted. Persons that require a reasonable modification based on language or disability should submit a request as early as possible to ensure the State has an opportunity to address the modification. How do I treat this on my taxes? To learn more about how to fill out W-9 information, check out this video to learn how to complete Form W 9. If a provider is in the financial position to provide relief from copayments and tuition for families, they should provide that relief and prioritize the relief for families with incomes below 85 percent of state median income. Almost. Yes, Tribes may amend their CCDF Plan to change their definition of Indian Child. While Tribal Lead Agencies have some flexibility in defining "Indian Child," the definition must be limited to children from federally recognized Indian Tribes, consistent with the CCDBG Act's definition of Indian Tribe (45 CFR 98.2). 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